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Author Topic: I Never would Of Made It Without The Lord -Chords  (Read 716 times)


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I Never would Of Made It Without The Lord -Chords
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:54:49 PM »
I am a beginner trying....

I Never Would Of Made It Without The Lord


/Bb Db F


G/G Bb Eb F

Eb/Bb Db Gb Ab

C/Bb Eb Ab

Ab/C Eb Ab

C/C Eb Gb Ab

Db/B Eb Gb Ab

F/B Eb F Ab

Db/B Db F Ab

/Ab -I

-made it

*/Ab C Eb

/Ab Db F

/Ab Db Eb F

-With out

/Ab Db F -you

/G Bb Eb

/G Bb Eb F

C/C Eb Ab -I

Db/Ab Db F -never

/Ab Db F -would of

D/D F Bb -made it with


/Eb G Bb -the


/C F A

/C Eb Ab

/D F Bb

/D F Ab -I

/Ab -made

*Repeat back to here

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This is found in Proverbs. Also Rd. Proverbs 22:1 & Ecclesiaistes 7:1 :D

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