TJ what kind of framing? Those are his words spoken very candidly at a private Republican-audience event. I don't think it "happened to" get leaked. I think that someone who wanted the inside scoop bought a ticket to gain entry and recorded it and intentionally shared it with the media to get the word out that this is what he REALLY thinks. He wouldn't say it in an interview or during a debate, but when he thinks no one is looking, this is how he really feels.
Obama supporters are broke down, welfare bums who think they're entitled to receive a handout.They don't pay taxes and they don't work jobs. They don't contribute to this country. Not to mention all the hidden implications in his statementre broke down, welfare bums who think they're entitled to receive a handout.They don't pay taxes and they don't work jobs. They don't contribute to this country. Not to mention all the hidden implications in his statement.
Jimmy Carter IV tied to making this known..
So is there some argument over the fact that Mitt recognizes that there is a certain percentage of the population that will not vote for him simply because he has an R next to his name instead of a D?
If so, seems like arguing over the obvious.
None of what he said should be ANY surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, imho.
I just wish any candidate would come out and tell the truth in the first place. Just lay all the cards on the table and then not have to back-track and follow up with 'clarifying statements'.
Of course, doing so wouldn't be very political, now would it? They all have to lie to some degree.
Our choice every election cycle is really which liar do we prefer.
At least that's how I've come to see it.
I disagree Dave think about this .. what he said goes much deeper than that .. really read what he is saying.
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax.
This is what he thinks about 47% of the country... and the way I see it he means me.. and I am highly insulted..
This brohaha is similar to what Obama went through in 2008 with his comment about how some 'cling to guns or religion'. In each case in an unguarded moment they were referring to partisans who will vote for the other candidate no matter what. If I were Romney I would work on reframing that to reach out to some of the 47%, instead of alienating them, if he has any hope of winning this election.
The part of his comment that offended me was his referring to people who get Gov't welfare, health care, etc. as "entitled". Entitled? {rant start} Has he or the GOP leadership looked in the mirror lately? Yes, it is human nature to take things for granted, but IMO that equally applies to those who, through their privileged, fortunate background, never had to experience the pangs of hunger, the lack of clothes or shelter, the want of security and stability in family or education, or the shame of having to go apply for assistance. {rant end}
No this is different.. and not similar at all.. The statement then Senator Obama made was no where near as inclusive..
And what kills me is how Christians will still defend this man. How hypocritical that his heretical faith doesn't matter, but we still vote faith-based matters.... this is why I bite my tongue. I hate seeing Christians defend folly just to be loyal to political ideologies and parties. It's disgusting. This man LIED blatantly and stereotyped and openly admitted to believing that all Obama voters are welfare bums who don't contribute anything to this country (which of course is "their" country built on OUR FREE LABOR) - and if that's what he said in a somewhat public setting, you can imagine how he talks in a closed door meeting or in the safety of his home.
This is why we should not vote our faith.. we are not running.. and candidates will say what they want to.. but the proof is in the pudding. The Mormon church didn't even allow the ordination of blacks until 1978.. I really don't care that Gladys Knight joined the church .. or the history of the church.. I am more concerned with the history of the candidate.. and anyone who thinks that this country will be better off with him at the helm is naive at best..
Like other people who cater to that type of crowd (FoxNews watchers) I don't think he actually believes everything he says. He knows what those type of people wants to hear, so he panders to them. He'd have to be a total idiot to really think that.
Hold on...LOL...I watch doesn't mean I agree with everything they! Just like I don't agree with everything on MSNBC or other news stations that may speak to the left of an issue.
Don't get me started on that propaganda arm for the Republican party.. I am surprised that they don't blame the weather on the president.. they are nasty and they
lie more than any other network that I see.. even more than MSNBC ... Don't get me started.. They go on and on about George Soros but don't even mention the coke brothers.. and now with this you get that creep Hannitty talking about how poor Mitt was taken out of context... Puuhhh lease.. Don't get me friggin started man!!!
I have a tinge of pride in my life due to the fact that I never watch Fox News...nor MSNBC or CNN, etc...
I'll pray that God works on that pride but I'm still not going to watch any of the popular 'failed and biased' news circuses.
I do watch RT News and other PBS-based news shows as well as some local outlets and I do a LOT of reading online (HuffPost, Forbes, LA Times, Yahoo, etc...), so I try to stay informed, just not entertained.
I rarely watch some things on MSNBC .. but my wife is an avid Fox watcher.. which is why I can speak about them as someone who has tried to be objective.. I still don't get that since we used to spend our lunch hours at the Apollo listening to the GBE and looking for books on 125th st back in the day.. I sometimes find myself looking for that pod under the bed.. Needless to say we have come to the point where we both have our hands pretty close to the emergency shutdown button before it escalates to the red line when we attempt to discuss politics.. but we do manage to sometimes pull it off.. this is where my utter disdain for Fox News comes from ... Greta is the only one on there that I have any respect for and I sometimes find my self agreeing with Bill O'reily but he looses me in the delivery about 80% of the time... I usually watch CNN CSPAN PBS or the BBC .. I find that all four of those networks do a better job
Yeah, the only reason I keep mentioning that they've changed their teachings (aside from the fact that I keep reading that they have) is because the LDS has a history of rewriting their theology when they are proven wrong.
One of the more recent "issues" that they have had to deal with is claiming that Native Americans, Latino Americans and Polynesians are somehow related to the lost tribes of Israel that came to America many years ago (the Lamanites), but DNA research has proven that this could have never been the case.
The leaders are still wrestling with this one, or so I have read...
If they really are still teaching those old racist doctrines, then shame on them, especially for claiming that they stopped and yet have continued.
We do agree that race matters. I mean, I wish it didn't matter, but that's not the world we live in right now.
Well now we can get an idea of why Mitts views seem to be so flexible.. if his faith is that pliable..
Romney care was great when it was his idea.. but now it's baaaaad.. (cue organ)
Obamacaaarrrre and he is going to create jobs and cut taxes and cut spending and waste and big government.. and hike the military budget and defend Israel and stop the cheaters .... please. Not that I think President Obama can do much either.. I fear our path is set .. but I think he has better intentions and knows the big picture.. much bigger than Romney does.. just as President Obama had only an inkling of the real picture as candidate Obama.. From where I sit.. if I could vote for 43 in 2004 because of where we were .. and he was rhe man at the helm.. I can surely vote for the current POTUS for the same reason .. even forgoing the other reasons that still make him the better man for the job...
I really think that we are in so much trouble as a nation and it is not just the abortion and the homosexuality issue.. and that is why I get so angry when people interject faith into politics.. as if it really mattered.. You can start a war that kills hundreds of thousands of people.. while private citizens gut the treasury.. because don't think that this debt we have is all "entitlement" spending.. The cost of both of those wars was/is so high because people were ripping off the government/taxpayers big time.. while our elected officials looked the other way.. all those good conservative (and some liberal) Christians who brought us citizens united.. but don't you let those gays get married.. and end abortion .. and everything will be fine.. bullocks.. Don't get me wrong .. I am opposed to abortion .. and I can honesty say that none of my 5 daughters ever had one that I know of.. even when they were single and scared and were "not ready for a kid".. the gay issue .. I have my feelings about it .. but I cannot legislate morality to another.. especially on something that has been around almost as long as us. I am glad that my youngest can get contraception on my health care because she has endomitriosis and that is a treatment.. We are becoming more and more like that Isaiah 1 nation every day..
I dare not put a direct link here because the LDS church is suing this site for copyright infringement, but go to and after clicking on the archives, search for "LDS". There are downloadable files for the Mormon Handbook of Instructions. They have several versions, in my recent check the 2006 one is the latest, as it looks like the 2008 was pulled down. I read through the 2008 before they pulled it and there was alot of interesting stuff on their beliefs, even the qualifications and procedures for the Elders that come to witness (2 years, no contact with friends or fam), their policies on baptism (all baptisms are invalid except an LDS baptism), baptisms for the dead, etc.. The site also have other docs on female beauty, a psa on their official response to gay marriage, etc. etc
Since when..?
Republicans for 4 years since Pres. Obama have been talking about the he hasn't signed a budget?...however if we know any better, than we know that the President doesn't pass the budget and has "NO" power to do so (he can only veto if it's agreed too unnaceptalby)'s not about the President, it's about Congress????? Congress, who is controlled by Republicans can only pass an acceptable budget and trust they know what would be acceptable as well as democrats do if Rep were in power in the house...
That's because their stated goal is not the best interests of the country but to insure that he is a one term president.. That is why they pander to fear and the inherent racism that is still below the surface in may circles.. Don't forget.. by now if you recall we were supposed to be well on our way if not there to being under sharia law in the socialist U.S. ... with no guns... and everybody on welfare..