(so like, yeah, you totally took my thread LOL! I SWEAR I was going to post this a little while ago and just didnt.
Pertaining the thread, I used to feel very strongly about this, but now I have some mixed views. A white couple at church recently won the "most children" gift for Mother's Day because they had 5 of their own children and adopted 4 African children. I began to think of all the why's, but it just came to me that maybe had THEY not adopted the children, the children would still be in horrible conditions. Sounds simple, but if you drowning, it doesnt matter what color the hand is reaching to pull you out. I dont think there will ever be a right answer other than a child is in a loving home. I think we can continually ask stuff like, "why did you give money to this charity and not that one?", but in the end, you GAVE.
As per race, this sounds a little Uey-ish, but it seems black ppl dont want the kids they make let alone adopting others.

I dont really care any more about the racial demographic. I just desire for as many children to be helped as possible, regardless what color the parents (Im actually thinking of adopting). I do think with a US black child with a white family there maybe a struggle within the child growing up culturally tho. Cant say
strongly if that is a bad factor or not.