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Author Topic: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants  (Read 5600 times)

Offline under13

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #40 on: June 15, 2012, 05:13:44 PM »
You mean were.

I'm thinking that the America of old...the prosperous one...is gone, dead and buried. It's been replaced by the new America w/ the ultra-rich and greedy on one side and the ever-increasing poor on the other.

Ahhh gotcha! Makes perfect sense. To me it seems like this "new" America has always existed in some dimension. Maybe not as obvious as it is now but in the past? Absolutely!

I understand being on the fence.

That's exactly it. People always thought that the elite actually cared about them because of certain privileges they were given, but now their true colors are showing, and those who were not hip to the game are mad. To put it nicely.

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2012, 05:17:25 PM »
I'm not talking about making it legal to come, I'm talking about doing something with the otherwise law abiding ones that are here.
Yea, but what exactly, Ness?  That's the thing, and we still haven't figured out who's payin' for them to stay prior to them being able to 'pay it forward' by stimulating the economy.

And, what about the non-law abiding ones? Do we deport them as soon as they commit a crime?
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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2012, 05:23:16 PM »
Yep.  Deport. 

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2012, 05:25:17 PM »
I'm not talking about making it legal to come, I'm talking about doing something with the otherwise law abiding ones that are here.

Yeah, but don't you think that will give the others an incentive or motivation to come? If you see someone get away with something, and even benefit from it, and you're in the same dire situation, won't that kinda give you a little push to try it?
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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2012, 09:03:43 AM »
Marco Rubio says he would come to the US illegally if he had to

Marco Rubio is a Republican and possible running mate for Mitt Romney.
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Offline SavnBass

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2012, 10:58:49 PM »
I think that the president did the right thing.. I know too may people.. from all over .. who grew up here.. and for all intents and purposes are American.. they went through the U.S. school systems.. many don't speak their "native" language.. and had nothing to do with coming here.. I also think that honorable military service should count for something.. especially if you served in combat.. or were wounded.. This was not a blanket amnesty though..
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Offline docjohn

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2012, 09:03:46 AM »
Simple solution:

Deport the crimminals.

Tax the rest!  Welcome to America!!

 To portray all hispanics as "downtrodden" masses is like 1960's racism.Watch " the Magnificent Seven";how the local people were portrayed in a demeaning way as lame or criminals.I think the hispanics have progressed from that point.

The Atl Journal had a piece last summer about one illegal who had been here 20 + years,had several business,made a good life and had a fair amount on bucks.He had "paid" his dues by paying sales tax.Sales tax is about 5-10% depending on what state you live in.

So what about income tax(15-25%),Soc Sec/Fica (about 16%) ;why does he get a 40% break?
If I;as USA citizen did that-the government would prosecute/seize/tax/imprison etc..I could do much better (and so could you with another) 25 %disposable income.So,I agree-let's EVERYBODY be fair and pay!!

Make it simple,you came here in  "X" year,so  " X " dollars per year/per family -you OWE us $$$.

I don't see folks acknowledging that there is $$$$ value in being a USA citizen;ya know-freedom,safety.Too many people have and continue to dis we have had the best situation in general as far as a country.Look @ So America,China,Russia-some serious crimminal stuff.

It show in the amount of genocidal hatred -for some reasons even Americans hate this country.

For those who are truly oppressed financially as immigrants- that's a separate issue for consideration.

Lastly;in our ever dumbing down of our "educational "process-does it ever occur that this nation was bought and PAID for-in BLOOD? So because somebody else paid for it;we're going to give it away for free? What a dishonor to those killed or maimed( even as we speak).

What is being

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2012, 09:16:55 AM »
got interrupted!

What is being done is a continual "positioning" of groups pitting one against the other.If you tell a group long enough "you're oppressed ,broke,dumb,etc.." that lie become believable.A curse is put on folks,they learn to use it as a crutch,walk in it,believe it and enjoy it!!  You would think the Church would like "wake up,get it rebuke it".I don't see that happening,for the most part-the church just gets on the bandwagon.Talk about the "foolish virgins".

If obama was ANY serious about immigration reform;he had TWO years where he controlled  BOTH houses.He never brought it to the table.Gotta question his motive now;oh yeah,an election in 6 months and thos "rascully rebelious repubs".

On sunday- MeeT the Press;John McCain made the remark that Bush nearly had the Dream Act passed in 07'.The reason he gave for it being torpedoed?Some "hooks"/provisions put in by BHO and the dems-the UNIONS opposed the whole quest worker provisions.It would weaken the unions.

While he can do presidential edicts,circumventing the law and constitution might be a challenge.
The Supreme Court will need to get a raise for all the extra work/challenges.

Offline phbrown

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2012, 08:19:16 PM »
political move .... agreed with it at first but not so much now

Offline hands5

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2012, 12:39:42 PM »
I'm afraid that I don't agree with this policy at all. To me this sets a dangerous precedent...see to me this type of decision should be left up to congress to make......not the President.  >:(

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2012, 12:54:28 PM »
I'm afraid that I don't agree with this policy at all. To me this sets a dangerous precedent...see to me this type of decision should be left up to congress to make......not the President.  >:(

Yea, they'd be SO much better at it.  ::)
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Offline under13

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2012, 01:01:59 PM »
I'm afraid that I don't agree with this policy at all. To me this sets a dangerous precedent...see to me this type of decision should be left up to congress to make......not the President.  >:(

So Obama can do this without congress? ?/?

Offline docjohn

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2012, 03:29:01 PM »
It is stretching it quite a bit 13.Presidential powers give some latitude;but I would think NOT in this case.You have existing law(s)  and rule(s) of order which he is sworn to uphold.

If this was an issue he was serious about;since he ignored his 2 year majority in Senate and House; a better way since the Senate is still democratic controlled would have been to do a bill there.

Between this,Fast and Furious,his dis of the Supreme Court does give the appearance of arrogance towards the other 2 branches(Congress/S Court).

I've heard a few pundits wonder if he's trying to get impeached.Even some dems up for reelection seem to be putting distance( W Virginia,NY ,Penn)they would like to keep their jobs.

too crazy for me to figure out

Offline phbrown

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Re: Obama gives amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants
« Reply #53 on: June 21, 2012, 10:25:57 PM »
he most definitely secured 1/6th of america vote for the democratic party for the next 40 years
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