Hey yall if you have time, please say a prayer for my sister. The doctor's may have to deliver her baby early due some complications in her pregnancy (I hope yall knew she was expecting.....if she didn't tell yall already...now you know lol....). They docs have mentioned her blood pressure being to high, and restricted blood flow, I know the mothers her understand what I'm trying to say. Anyways, we're all hopeful and believing that the Lord's Will will be done. The baby (Leilani) is healthy, practicing breathing, and moving like a baby that's further along than she is. Nique is 28 weeks right now, but if the proper conditions are met, the doctors may deliver Leilani this week. So please keep a high thought for her, she's happy go lucky as usual, but she's pretty anxious and concerned, as we all are. But the prayers of the righteous availeth much! Thanks!