First... Arkman's UGLIEST, alls i know is..... Fjekifjt fjelekcheka gldojsj nnskzns ahbd. And thats what i know.
Secondly, you LGMers are the best, most prayingest people i know!!! Catch my typos SJon,ready? Lol okay so i really appreciate every word of prayed uttered to the lord on Leilani Isabelle and my behalf. I dont know where i would be had the praying part of the church hadn't prayed for me. ( im tearing up as i type) bc i know i would still be a wretched lil sinner if ppl werent praying. U all may not have known, but obviously i backslide down a slippery slope. BUT GOD!!!!! Rescued me, called my name, i answered, prayed my prayers, cried for forgiveness, cried for his help, i hadnt stopped cruing for forgiveness until he said "how many times can i forgive u for this?" then i realizrd i had to move forward and b a new creature and let old things b passed away. BEHOLD ALL THINGS are become new. So the Lord filled me with his holy spirit and my life is now hid in christ, where it should be! And i thank god that he didnt let my faith fail. He knew these days would come, but his thoughts of me were still those of peace!!! Thats my foist testimony.
Concerning the birth if Leilani Isabelle .........
At 27 wks prego, the docs told me my uterine arteries were not opened wide enough to push blood to the baby. Soo that csused her to b serverly under weight: in the fifth percentile. The doc thought i wouldnt make it to 28 wks. But i did!!! Around 28 wks the docs said the babies blood flow was absebt buy persistent. So she wasnt gettin much blood, but the blood she WAS grtting was a constant, absent flow. Weird, i know. Every time i had an appt, docs were astonished that the lil miracle was so active; miving and jumping!!! And when Uncle Chris' music would play, she'd b everywhere!!! And in church??? ONG my stomach felt like a ping pong table. Lol the doc said "SOON her blood flow will go into reverse and thats when she'll b delivered." 16 Apr i was abt 29 wks, i was admitted to the hospital for... The PRESSURES! High BP. i was there three weeks. Waiting for the blood flow to reverse!!!! Three weeks!!! The nurses thought i was the most critical patient; but grace moicy and prayers kept Leilani in the womb fighting for three wks that NO ONE expected!!! I had an appt 4 May at 8 (31 wks prego)to continue monitoring ( every other day). The doc wasnt there as usual so i went bk upstairs and was told that if something was wrong i would get a call from the doc.
Around 1130 the nurses comes in the room: "the babys blood flow is absent. Im gunna prep u for labor." BREAKS!!! What!?!?! At 9:23 pm i heard my baby's cru... As faint as a kitten; a sweeet melody i will cherish forever!!!! 2 lbs 2 oz!!!
She had no issues! No breathing problems! Nothing. She had jaundice and thats about it.
NOW she's jaundice free and the little oxygen she was on, she no longer needs that extra support. She's tolerating breast milk well. And she didnt loose much weight... She went down to 1 lbs 14 oz. but she's back at 2 lbs 2 oz! She gained two oz in a day! She's alert and the nurses say she's fiesty; idk where or who she got that from. Prolly chris. *ahem ahem, oh excuse me*
She just needs to make mommy proud with regular BMs!!! Im praying she comes home at 35 wks! She's doing well and is headed in the right direction!!!
Im sooo glad to have you all praying!!! She will have no choice but to love u all!!!
Im glad i wasnt rewarded according to my iniquities!!! God's mercy is GREAT and his lovingkindness is abundant!!!
Pics??? Ok the problem with that is.... CHRIS' lap top is weird and my smartphone is autistic!!! Soooo i cant upload pics to the comp cuz its full and i cant do it from my phone. Soooo FACEBOOK has the pics. my username is Princess Dom/
anyana.kinchen@navy.mil.... Or... Idk my other options. Im open to suggestion. Lol
Sorry it took forever to respond and sorry its sooo long. Lol