So you are going to a church they have a clavinova or some other outdated dinosouar
you like me either ride a motorcycle or your car is mad small
so whats the answer
take a module or your laptop and interface to the church
whats better?
here is where you can raise everyones awareness
the power of either the module or the vst is that you can layer sounds and it is in the layering that you can really tailor a sound
case in point
I took my lap top to church and created a piano bass organ horn layer/split
something not easy to do with a bunch of modules
what is the best way to utilize these vst or modules I dont know but I am here to offer what I do know or have learned
use kontakt for my set up because I can create a rack
and mute everything on the rack I dont like
you can load them up as a multi
in my kontakt chuch essentials rack
I have Electric pianos
alicia keys
juno pads
and horns
and a B3
this rack is then opened up in protools in a folder I call church essentials
and it is paired up with a beast of a program called atmosphere
now all I have to do is switch between my church rack and atmosphere depending on the setting
you can load up a big string patch or whatever you like for worship
I find the sounds are just perfect for the church settings
they may not sound like much in your studio but combined with the room and your churches sound system
you may really be impressed with what you hear