What do you mean by 'give up'? Do you mean the 'give up the whole thing', or, for example, stepping down from ministry, or getting a divorce?
What if you feel that the actions that precipitated the pressure are unfair/too much for you to bear? Is God, or those who pressure you, to blame?Just asking...
Many of us blame God which is a part of the delimma. Sometimes I wish I had a better understanding of the human mind and the spirit world. I have not found proof of some of the ideas we have in our understanding of both. I remember after I got saved there were a lot of crazy thoughts in my mind that were not there on that level before I got saved. Or was it the fact that I had more of a conscious of God? It was almost overwhelming but those thoughts went away after a while. Maybe I just learned to control them or maybe it was an attack of the enemy. It seems to me that every so often a rush of those same type of thoughts come back for a season.
Is that right?
Guess I still spelled it wrong even after I looked it up. I was concentrating on the M's.