Honestly, I would probably never try to play this song using sheet music although I can read...it would not do the song/msg justice...it's pretty basic and you kind of got to feel it and play it different everytime you play it...I'll post some basics and modify this post, but it will pretty much mirror the chords that were already posted, they were pretty close to the recording. They were playing the original on XM radio a lot during the holiday season and I always liked this song.
Let the Church Say Amen
Andre Crouch
Key of Db
/F, /Gb, - Let the
Db/C-Eb-Ab - church (DbM7)
/Ab, /Ab, - Say A-
C-Ab/Bb-Eb-Ab - (Abadd2/C)
/F, /Gb - Let the
Ab/B-Eb-Gb-Ab - church (Abm7)
Db-F-Ab/B-Eb-Gb - say (Db11)
/F - A-
Gb-Db-F/Ab-Bb-Eb, /Db - -Men (GbMaj9)
B/-A-Db-Eb-F - God (B9+11)
A-Eb/Ab-Db-Eb - has (A-5)
Ab-Db-F/Ab-Db, Ab/ - spok-en (Db/Ab)
Eb/G-C-Db-F (2)
Ab/Gb-Bb-Db-F (5)
Db/F-Ab-Db (1)
turn around any way you like back to the beginning on the 1 (Db) considering the time reference...
There are other chords you can use that I can think of and a lot more you can do when playing this song...so please don't take this as the way you should play it...