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Author Topic: MID AUGUST/MID SEPTEMBER SELECTION....The Book of Proverbs  (Read 66142 times)

Offline Hasmonean1

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« Reply #100 on: September 12, 2011, 10:55:01 PM »
Amen Churchy.  I had to repent this very day for something I said in post.  I also continuously work on being open-minded in relation to learning of the Word and the ways of God.
I am at peace now and can take my sleep.  In Jesus Name.

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« Reply #101 on: September 13, 2011, 06:38:16 AM »
Chapter 13

vs 2 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence. Here we are witnessing the magnetic affect of a person's spirit.  It is well with the righteous because the fruit of their doings come to them.  On the contrary the wicked draws wickedness and he will daily inhabit wickedness.  It's funny how a person can go out among the public and for some reason mess is stirred up between this person and someone else.  Someone is always doing them wrong.  Yet to another person something blessed occurs with their interaction with people most every time.  We all probably know people who fit either category.  Scriptural reference here is Isaiah 3:10-11

vs 4 The soul of the sluggard desireth and have nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
This Word fits so many of our people.  For there are many who want a lot but are too lazy to ever achieve it.  They would rather it be given them than work hard for it.  This is also a good scripture for students in school.  I've seen many lazy and diligent students come and go.  The lazy ones find themselves in a position of want later on in life where the diligent go on to eat the fruit of their diligence.  Seed planting and harvest.  Oh how I would have them to "wake up" (School Dayz).

vs 11 Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labor shall increase. 
Vanity hear speaks to dishonesty.  The dishonest works of man will catch up to him eventually and his wealth shall fade.  Here again the Lord is stressing the rewards of working hard.  This was once a prevalent mentality throughout this country.    While working smarter indeed has it's advantages, somewhere down the line hard work may be required.  The disadvantage of working smarter is when we try to be too smart.  I know this first hand and have learned the valuable lesson of working as unto the Lord.

vs 13 Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed:  but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.
"How could you"?  This is a question often posed with bewilderment and disappointment.  How could anyone despise His Word?  Why does it not excite you to read the Word, learn the Word, and live by The Word?  For many it is not an exciting thing to go into the Word, the evidence is all around us.  A love and fear of the Word is something that has to be in you.  The word is the only thing that shall last.   
Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away

vs 20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:  but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.  Guilt or grace by association.  My pastor was preaching about the company we keep last week.  It's a simple message that is surprisingly missed among Christians so often. It's not a thing of where we have absolutely no association with unbelievers but rather the company of unbelievers is not our main dwelling.  Jesus kept company with all manner of sinners but most of the time his association was with his disciples.  People must see a difference in us therefore we don't live in or participate in many of the doings of the world.   Furthermore, if we want to be strong, we must associate with the strong.  If we want to be gang banger it stands to reason we must be in a gang.  Two extremes yet one truth.  That's one of the reasons why I love LGM.  It allows me to be around like spirited people on the internet.

vs 25 The righteous eateth to the satisfying of the soul: but the belly of the wicked shall want.  Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.  The wicked on the other hand will always want more and fall short.



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« Reply #102 on: September 13, 2011, 11:52:31 AM »
I just want to thank Layla and Brittany for getting us (particularly me) back on track with studying Proverbs. To be honest, my flesh this weekend didn't want to read but I did it anyway. You know it's funny how I can have a passion to read my other books but reading the Word for me (and I'd say for many of us) is challenging. Maybe that's a part of spiritual warfare.

Also I want to thank LL, Hasmonean1 and anyone else who has been contributing for what you're bringing. This is helping me grow.

And Layla, next time you have a brilliant idea (the one about waiting till September and reading the chapter affiliated with the day) bring it out! What a great idea and it has helped me stay on track!!

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« Reply #103 on: September 13, 2011, 03:14:25 PM »
I just want to thank Layla and Brittany for getting us (particularly me) back on track with studying Proverbs. To be honest, my flesh this weekend didn't want to read but I did it anyway. You know it's funny how I can have a passion to read my other books but reading the Word for me (and I'd say for many of us) is challenging. Maybe that's a part of spiritual warfare.

Also I want to thank LL, Hasmonean1 and anyone else who has been contributing for what you're bringing. This is helping me grow.

And Layla, next time you have a brilliant idea (the one about waiting till September and reading the chapter affiliated with the day) bring it out! What a great idea and it has helped me stay on track!!

This reminds me of a long fast.  Take it one day at a time and be diligent. Soon it becomes second nature and apart of your daily activities.  When it's over, you'll look forward and anticipate a new challenge to your flesh and spirit while giving God the praise and glory.


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« Reply #104 on: September 13, 2011, 10:02:13 PM »
Chapter 13

Here are some of the themes I saw in this chapter:

1. Listening to wise counsel. This is one of the themes we saw in the last chapter. Verses 1, 2, 13, 14 and 20. There are positive and negative consequences of listening to counsel. When we listen to wise counsel we can experience the positive consequences (and sometimes a price as well because wise counsel is not popular). However when we refuse to listen to wisdom (from parents and/or other people), we put our lives at risk. This also shows, particularly verse 20, the importance of being careful about who we associate with. I'm beginning to believe that we are who we associate with. Along with this we must understand that we all are ignorant in some areas of life and that we do not know everything.

2. Hard Work. I see this theme in verses 4, 7, 11 and 22. There are many many victims of get-rich-quick schemes because they wanted a short cut in making money and getting things. I'm learning that anything you desire in life you should work hard for. People are not going to just hand stuff to you (and that's increasingly becoming true in this society and time). When we work hard and live BELOW our means we can be in a pretty good position. Many of us in life struggle not so much because we don't get enough money but because we want to impress folk who probably don't like us. I'm determined to make my living in a fair way rather it be ministry or in the real world.

3. Controlling the mouth. Verse 3 emphasizes that when we control our tongue we have the chance at long life. How many times have our mouths got us in trouble. As I said the other night, as I'm becoming more outspoken I have to be careful as well because I'm tempted to talk more. Lord help me control my mouth knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it!

Other points:

One of our guest speakers (the candidate who was suppose to be our pastor) preached an entire sermon from verse 12 which states "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life." This verse encourages us to have hope even when the dream is on hold. The dream will be fulfilled and when it happens there will be life! Thank you Lord for every dream you've placed in me.

Prayer of Application: Lord, in these treacherous times we rely on your wisdom, counsel and discipline. Help us to live a disciplined life that will bring honor and glory to your name. We also pray for a spirit of determination. Allow what we do to make a living to help us prosper and help our families and those who are in need. Continue to teach us that all of our work doesn't matter if you are not glorified through it. Help us to be honest in our affairs and in our work that we may continually give you all the glory, honor and praise, amen!

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« Reply #105 on: September 14, 2011, 06:19:38 AM »
Chapter 14

I was led to explore some of the words in this chapter from the KJV to bring surety to the mean and way we have used some of them.

Fool - From the Hebrew word Keciyl meaning stupid or silly.

Foolish - From the Hebrew word ivveleth or eviyl meaning silliness or folly.

Scorner- From the Hebrew Luwts (loots)  to make mouths at, to make a mock or a mocker.

Intermeddle- From the Hebrew arab to braid or intermix  also to give or be security.

Backslider - From the Hebrew cuwg (soog) to flinch, to go back, to retreat

Simple - From the Hebrew Pethiy   (seducible) foolish also one who deceives, entices, flatters, or persuades.

Penury From the Hebrew miknac  To store away in a sense of hiding

Mirth From the Hebrew simchah  glee or exceeding gladness, joy or rejoice.

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.  My prayer is that this nation spares itself of upcoming reproach.

Offline LaylaMonroe

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« Reply #106 on: September 14, 2011, 08:09:48 AM »
Okay, I've been following and slacking a little with reading (especially while I was on vacation), but I'm on track. What I realized (and should've known) is that we don't all have the same learning style or the same application style. I can't discuss it the way you guys do, and trying to do so overwhelms me and makes me procrastinate (which ultimately leads to me not posting anything at all... lol).

So instead of trying to share all my thoughts on the day's chapter in one post, I'm going to do it the way it works best for me. Hope no one minds.

I'm loving this discussion, loving the Book Club, loving the Proverbs and loving you guys! It is HELPING me. :)
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.


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« Reply #107 on: September 14, 2011, 08:12:01 AM »
Chapter 14

I was led to explore some of the words in this chapter from the KJV to bring surety to the mean and way we have used some of them.

Fool - From the Hebrew word Keciyl meaning stupid or silly.

Foolish - From the Hebrew word ivveleth or eviyl meaning silliness or folly.

Scorner- From the Hebrew Luwts (loots)  to make mouths at, to make a mock or a mocker.

Intermeddle- From the Hebrew arab to braid or intermix  also to give or be security.

Backslider - From the Hebrew cuwg (soog) to flinch, to go back, to retreat

Simple - From the Hebrew Pethiy   (seducible) foolish also one who deceives, entices, flatters, or persuades.

Penury From the Hebrew miknac  To store away in a sense of hiding

Mirth From the Hebrew simchah  glee or exceeding gladness, joy or rejoice.

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.  My prayer is that this nation spares itself of upcoming reproach.

Oooooooo I like that!!!

Okay, I've been following and slacking a little with reading (especially while I was on vacation), but I'm on track. What I realized (and should've known) is that we don't all have the same learning style or the same application style. I can't discuss it the way you guys do, and trying to do so overwhelms me and makes me procrastinate (which ultimately leads to me not posting anything at all... lol).

So instead of trying to share all my thoughts on the day's chapter in one post, I'm going to do it the way it works best for me. Hope no one minds.

I'm loving this discussion, loving the Book Club, loving the Proverbs and loving you guys! It is HELPING me. :)

Whatever floats your boat my friend!!

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« Reply #108 on: September 14, 2011, 10:21:31 AM »
Okay so the very first verse that grabbed me was v1:

EVERY WISE woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.

Whew. It takes wisdom to build a house and not everyone has what it takes. A wise woman will focus her energy on her assignment and calling to build up her house (her home, her shelter, her security, her HUSBAND, her protection from the storm and elements, her family, her TEMPLE [body]), but a foolish woman won't even pay attention to the actions that destroy her "house." She tears down her life with her own hands and probably doesn't even realize she's being SELF-destructive.

God EXPECTS the wise woman to build her house. Building requires strategic planning, foresight, forethought, skill, energy, fitness, sound relationships, commitment, resources. The wise woman must not go through life waiting for life to happen, but she must make every effort to BUILD her house, for this is the expectation of God for us.
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« Reply #109 on: September 14, 2011, 10:28:05 AM »
v2 says that "he that is perverse in his ways despises the Lord." That reminds me of the scripture that says "if you love me, you'll keep my commandments." Oh and also of the one that says that "he that loveth not, knoweth not God."

Those three verses are the HARD truths that we like to overlook. God's word is true, it's sure, and it is immutable. "Perverse" means deviant. He who strays from the righteous way, he who deviates from the God-designed path HATES the Lord. Makes sense to me. God is holiness. God is righteousness. If you stray from that, you can't love Him. (Remembering that hatred isn't a feeling or a sentiment, but an action. Hatred, like love, is what you DO, not what you feel. So if you live a perverse life, you HATE God). #hardtruth

Lord, help us to love you wholly, completely, in truth and in deed. Purge any hatred from our hearts and from our actions in Jesus' name. Help us to love YOU more and to love your people more.
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.

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« Reply #110 on: September 14, 2011, 11:10:50 AM »
v6-7 in MSG: Cynics look high and low for wisdom—and never find it;
   the open-minded find it right on their doorstep! Escape quickly from the company of fools; they're a waste of your time, a waste of your words.

Yeah. Wow.

V6 was just a reminder of something I always say that unbelievers will never find proof that God exists because there is no PHYSICAL proof. And they are too cynical to really want to find any other proof. The Bible says that to the pure all things are pure. In other words, you see what you want to see. You find what you want to find. If you are cynical, you really don't want to find wisdom anyway, you just want to find self-gratifying answers. That's why cynics will never find wisdom. But when you open your mind up, you'll find that it's right there on your doorstep, and was there all along.

V7 was written jussssst for me. Stop entertaining fools, foolishness and folly! When you realize someone is walking in folly, just bounce! Don't try to discuss, argue, convince, entertain, or endear... just BOUNCE like the BIBLE says! They're truly a waste of time and words and energy. Reminds me of what God told me at the beginning of the year: keep your pearls (Matthew 7:6).
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.


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« Reply #111 on: September 14, 2011, 11:41:57 AM »
Good stuff Layla! Keep it going!!

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« Reply #112 on: September 14, 2011, 12:03:19 PM »
v8 and 9 - The folly of fools is deceit. Fools joke about sin. (See Steve Harvey thread) :-\

v12 is one of my faves: There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death. That scripture has frightened me since I was a teenager. Another one (I think it's a proverb) says: a man's ways are right in his own eyes. We always think that what we're doing is right. It's so easy to find fault in others (mote/beam), but we tend to think that our own way is the righteous way. It also reminds me of something my uncle once told me that I never forgot: it's hard to see the details of a picture when you're too close to it. Sometimes, you have to step back to get the full scope of things. That's why our ways appear to be right to US. But this is also just one more reason it's so important to pursue wisdom and not just knowledge.

Lord, PLEASE help us to know you more. Help us to hear you and to be led by you. Guide our path, order our steps, speak to us, correct us, chastise us, rebuke us, reprove us, fix us while there is yet time. Open our eyes so that we may see when we are in error. Speak to us loudly and clearly, and with confirmation, when we are wrong. Extend your grace toward us even the more. It will profit us nothing to dot all our i's, cross all our t's, gain the whole world and all its success, glamour, and riches, and still lose our souls because we thought we were going the right way. God if we KNOW you more, we will KNOW the way to go. Help us to know you more.

When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.


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« Reply #113 on: September 14, 2011, 12:10:42 PM »
v8 and 9 - The folly of fools is deceit. Fools joke about sin. (See Steve Harvey thread) :-\

v12 is one of my faves: There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death. That scripture has frightened me since I was a teenager. Another one (I think it's a proverb) says: a man's ways are right in his own eyes. We always think that what we're doing is right. It's so easy to find fault in others (mote/beam), but we tend to think that our own way is the righteous way. It also reminds me of something my uncle once told me that I never forgot: it's hard to see the details of a picture when you're too close to it. Sometimes, you have to step back to get the full scope of things. That's why our ways appear to be right to US. But this is also just one more reason it's so important to pursue wisdom and not just knowledge.

Lord, PLEASE help us to know you more. Help us to hear you and to be led by you. Guide our path, order our steps, speak to us, correct us, chastise us, rebuke us, reprove us, fix us while there is yet time. Open our eyes so that we may see when we are in error. Speak to us loudly and clearly, and with confirmation, when we are wrong. Extend your grace toward us even the more. It will profit us nothing to dot all our i's, cross all our t's, gain the whole world and all its success, glamour, and riches, and still lose our souls because we thought we were going the right way. God if we KNOW you more, we will KNOW the way to go. Help us to know you more.

As I tweeted this morning to someone, the day that we took our eyes off of God's standards and became more interested in our personal agendas/needs/desires, is the day that we got in trouble. It seems like every area of this society (even the church) is embracing the idea that what the individual thinks is what is most important at the end of the day. This is one of the roots to why certain things happen in the church. We placed our consumeristic needs over God's standards! 2 Chronicles 7:14!

Loving what you're bringing!

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« Reply #114 on: September 14, 2011, 12:25:06 PM »
Lord, PLEASE help us to know you more. Help us to hear you and to be led by you. Guide our path, order our steps, speak to us, correct us, chastise us, rebuke us, reprove us, fix us while there is yet time. Open our eyes so that we may see when we are in error. Speak to us loudly and clearly, and with confirmation, when we are wrong. Extend your grace toward us even the more. It will profit us nothing to dot all our i's, cross all our t's, gain the whole world and all its success, glamour, and riches, and still lose our souls because we thought we were going the right way. God if we KNOW you more, we will KNOW the way to go. Help us to know you more.

Amen sister.  All of it was good so no need in quoting all of the whole posts.  When I saw your "KNOW" it took me back to the "yada" Brother LL spoke of earlier.

My goodness we have covered a lot but only uncovered a little.  God is good.

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« Reply #115 on: September 14, 2011, 12:42:55 PM »
Amen sister.  All of it was good so no need in quoting all of the whole posts.  When I saw your "KNOW" it took me back to the "yada" Brother LL spoke of earlier.

My goodness we have covered a lot but only uncovered a little.  God is good.

SOOO true. Wow, so true.

Good stuff Layla! Keep it going!!


I'm just reading little by little, and letting it sink in.
When you're in love you don't want to fall asleep bc reality is finally better than your dreams.


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« Reply #116 on: September 14, 2011, 09:55:15 PM »
Chapter 14

*I think I will go the route of selecting verses and sharing what I got out of them.*

-14:2 "those who follow the right path fear the Lord; those who take the wrong path despise him." Maybe part of the reason why our society is headed in the wrong direction is because we've lost reverence for God. Fear in this context denotes reverence (respect) for God. In this society we are taught that whatever we do in life is totally up to us. God is secondary in making our decisions. We should live life in which our reverence for God is contagious! People should see our works based on our reverence for God! When it's all said and done, I'd rather God be happy and people upset than people happy and God upset!

-14:7 "stay away from fools, for you won't find knowledge on their lips." I cannot stress enough the importance of our associations. I love Proverbs because it continues to remind me that who I associate with can have a big a(e)ffect on my future. I still believe you could identify many people in life who wish they wouldn't have got associated with a particular person because of the track their life went on. We have to really be careful who we associate with even if it means we need to take some time just to be alone and let God send the people who He wants in our life!

-14:12 "there is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death." Looking at that verse, this society is headed to death UNLESS we get on the right path and get on it now! We live in a world in which everybody thinks they're right on whatever they say, do and believe! We should walk with the attitude that our way (because we're human) is not always the best way. God has a better way for us to go and we must go that way. This is one of the problems with the church being so "me-centered." Because we're so "me-centered" in church today, we've elevated peoples' personal agendas over God. We must depend on the knowledge and wisdom of God if we want to make it!

-14:15 "Only simpletons believe everything they're told! The prudent carefully consider their steps." The New American Standard Bible uses the word "naive" to replace the word "simpletons." I don't advocate a secularlist free-thinker movement but I do believe that we should be thinkers for ourselves. We should not believe certain things just because someone tells us to believe it. The Greek word for "prudent" is "`aruwm" which means "sensible, crafty, etc." Too many of us miss out in life because we believe what everyone tells us instead of understanding for ourselves. I refuse to let one person control my thinking. I want to be open to correction, instruction, etc., but I refuse to support group-think. As Christians, before making difficult decisions, we should seek God's wisdom in making steps and not just making the steps because Ray Ray and Pookie said we should.

-14:17 "Short-tempered people do foolish things and schemers are hated." Honestly, I've never had a serious temper problem but in the last couple of years my temper has tried to get short. I think many problems happen because we have a short fuse about stuff. I pray that I can remain calm even when things don't go the way that I think they should go. I'm learning that our tempers can be the difference between life and death in our life. Lord help me to control my temper in negative situations!

-14:31 "Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him." To me it's sad that we live in a society that is considered one of the richest in the world yet has a poverty rate of around 15% (correct my stat if I'm wrong). Most policies are geared toward the wealthiest of the world and in our society (many disagree but it is what it is) nothing is on an equal basis. We cannot continue to call ourselves a Christian nation and yet not care about those who are on the bottom. Our nation is so filled with Greed and materialism that it's ridiculous, which leads to the final verse that I want to elaborate on....

-14:34 "Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people." You know everyone has their own opinion about homosexuality but to me, I think a big "sin" in our society that may be even worse than gay marriage is how we treat those who are on the bottom. Jesus' ministry was about helping the poor, brokenhearted, prison bound, blind, etc., yet as a society we believe we're suppose to cater to the rich folk more than the poor. If we are going to call this nation a "Christian" nation then it's time for us to practice the faith of Jesus and not just talk about it in theory!

Prayer of Application: Lord, in this day and age of greed, materialism, and personal freedom at a cost of reverence for You, remind those of us who are called by your name that we should honor You in every area of our lives. Lord continue to remind us that Your path is the best path for us to go on. Tonight we repent for supporting ideas and ideologies that go against what You want for us to believe. We plead your grace and mercy over our lives as we, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, try to live our your principles that in turn we may bring positive change into a negative world, amen!

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« Reply #117 on: September 15, 2011, 03:14:41 AM »
do you think anyone makes something like proverb cookies? You know like fortune cookies but have verses from the book of proverbs?

Its late here, D'wayne Wood is singing "Let Go and Let God" just finished reading the 14th chapter. I know I'm late ...

Have a few questions. We are warned to stay away from fools. What are some of the traits of a fool today?

What are some uncommon traits of a fool?

Why is it that we hate the poor? I never understood it. Maybe its not hate but if I"m next to a homeless person who hasn't bathe. I don't want to talk to them. I actually want to go the other way. Or sometimes I see an able body poor person and I have no mercy at all for whatever reason they have to be poor...

okay time to read chapter 15

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« Reply #118 on: September 15, 2011, 03:56:29 AM »
just finished reading the nkjv and the youngs literal translation to my son.

Holding him while reading verse 20 was just ... wow. Growing up I knew that was important but I never understood the sheer magnitude of what my earthy father and my heavenly father must feel. And then the second half of that same verse reminded me of how strong a mother's love is for her children. And just how strong God's love for us is.

My son moved quite a bit on verse 32.
32 He who disdains instruction despises his own soul,
      But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.
(new king james version)
pretty sure he was just doing something with his bowels though

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« Reply #119 on: September 15, 2011, 07:45:21 AM »
Chapter 15

vs 1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
     It has been said that "you must fight fire with fire" sometimes.  But in reality, the addition of fire to fire only creates more fire and then there is an inferno that could very well consume both sides.  The true way of fighting fire is with water.  One issue of concern lies with the amount of water being used in relation to the fire.  The fire of a burning house (literal/metaphorical) will not be quenched with a cup of water.  Roman 12:21  The water must be greater than or equal to the fire in order to overcome it.  So when faced with people consumed with wrath or discord, extinguish it with a greater portion of love, patience, and understanding.   a soft answer

vs 10,12 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
     For some grown people, being corrected is the worst thing in the world.  You can't tell them nothing.  The spirit of a man or woman is truly tested upon harsh correction.  How quick are we to acknowledge when we are wrong?  Do we fight back or dispute it at first?  Or do we repent immediately and set things in order while thanking the one who gives the reproof?  Most of us will strike back and the attack the manner in which we are corrected saying, "it didn't take all that" or it wasn't done in love.  We must keep it tight and right despite the delivery.  This kind will not always come gift wrapped all nice and pretty.  We must often examine ourselves.

vs 13  A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
     Ever notice how much a smile makes most any person look better?  Even the appearance of an unattractive person improves with a smile.  Young love or new love will often make the statement "I love your smile".
Angela Winbush-your smile
The smiles of a group of people seem to brighten up a room and create an environment that is inviting.  Many others are then drawn to a person with this merry heart because it's contagious.  On the contrary, with sorrow comes a broken spirit and in some cases a broken body as well.  Over much sorrow attacks every fabric of our being.  Blessed are they who have the innate ability to cheer people up.

vs 22  Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established
    This scripture has value to me in the area of our covering.  We can avoid shipwrecks when the appropriate covering and accountability is established.  Our plans and goals require the due diligence that can be provided by others more experienced in the area in question.  This goes back to accepting instruction and being coachable.  An uncovered person who blindly tries to accomplish plans and goals will often run into obstacles that grealy challenges their success.

vs 27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live
    A person who has money and the gaining of riches as their god is subject to go about illegal means to obtain it.  This person troubles his own household because everyone in close assoication is endangered by thier doings.  Even if its not illegally pursued, such an obsession makes the whole house uneasy due to the intense pursuit of a god that can do no good for them.  To the one that hate bribes and is determined to work hard as unto God, he shall have a house of peace and live because he puts God first.  (It should be noted that the word gift is eluding to a bribe)
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