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Author Topic: MID AUGUST/MID SEPTEMBER SELECTION....The Book of Proverbs  (Read 62183 times)

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« Reply #160 on: September 24, 2011, 09:58:44 AM »
Proverbs 24

vs 1-4
Again fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be envious against the workers of iniquity for they shall soon be cut down as grass and wither as the green herb.  Let us keep our eyes on the prize and hold them from drifting toward possessions and the seeming happiness of those who don't love God.  We often look up to celebrities and desire their lifestyle or see someone who appears to have it all and make comparisons to our situation.  Our desire far exceeds material gain.  What profit it a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?  Maybe we don't aspire to gain the whole world but there are things presented from time to time that wholeheartedly grab our attention.  Be blessed but don't be in God forsaking distress.

10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
In the day of adversity we are apt to faint, to droop and be discouraged, to desist from our work, and to despair of relief. "It is a sign that thou art not a person of any resolution, and firmness of thought, any consideration, any faith (for that is the strength of a soul), if thou canst not bear up under an afflictive change of condition."  Be of good courage therefore, and God shall strengthen thy heart.
vs 15-19
Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place:
For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

Here we have an illustration of how two different kind of people will handle hard times.  One endures the other is overtaken.  2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  The fool lies in waiting to see if he might take advantage of the misfortune of the just.   He's soon disappointed because the just man bounces back.  "You can't keep a good man down".   The wicked on the other hand faces permanent destruction because with no defense comes captivity.

vs 30-34
The work of the one who owns the field and vineyard should be diligently pursued.  Daily attention is required to keep up such a great work.   Likewise our living unto God.  The work we must work can't be effectively achieved with a slothful spirit.  There are times when we are tired, discouraged, or distracted, however we must find our way back in the race and run.   Urgency with expectation becomes our way of living, for those who sleep and slumber will be overtaken with despair unable to recover from it.  Let us be winners relative to most every battle we face because small surrenders can lead to a great disaster.


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« Reply #161 on: September 24, 2011, 10:24:36 PM »
Before giving my thoughts on Chapter 24 I really want to express something. I really believe God is speaking right now. We're doing our study in Proverbs. The national/international Sunday school curriculum (the one a lot of baptist churches use) is in Proverbs right now. Rick Warren is starting a series next week on financial health on Proverbs. It feels like confirmation of what we're doing and it's encouraging to me!

Proverbs 24

I think I want to discuss verses tonight.

-24:5 "The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger." Is it possible that we can be strong without wisdom? Absolutely! We see this many times in politics and in the world. Leaders come off as "strong" (in leadership style and ability) but the reality is that they are not very wise. We see this in what they say and in the decisions that they make. Just because someone is perceived as "strong" does not necessarily mean that they are wise. This is why we should be careful of being swayed by charismatic leaders because of their "charisma" and perception of being strong. A charismatic leader drawing a bunch of people does not automatically mean they are wise. Watch their decisions!

-24:11-12 "Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die; save them as they stagger to their death. Don't excuse yourself by saying, 'Look, we didn't know.' For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve." It's funny how we can put out a "front" to make it seem like one thing when God really knows what is in our heart. Our words may say one thing but our actions describe what is in the heart. We have been warned repeatedly in Proverbs that God sees beyond what we try to put out before people. To be specific, God knows the ones who did not give a care about Troy Davis and just wanted to see him die. No matter how much they claim to be for what is fair and right, God sees and knows and at the end of the day they will have to give an account for what was in their heart.

-24:17 "Don't rejoice when your enemies fall; don't be happy when they stumble." This is something the Lord is really working on me about. I got a call tonight about someone who hurt me and my family tremendously. Something happened to them (they didn't die) and my reaction was not "thank ya Jesus!" It was more like "hmmmm ok I"ll tell dad." To me it confirmed the verse in the Bible that says "vengeance is mine, says the Lord." As Christians we called to love our enemies and bless those who curse us. For me, this has to be one of the hardest aspects of being a disciple of Christ. How can you love people who have hurt you? This is a true test of our love for God and for others. Lord, help me to love my enemies the way you would want me to.

-24:27 "Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house." Dave Ramsey was at Saddleback church (Rick Warren's church) discussing principles as we run our ministries (businesses) and one thing he talked about was budgeting. Many of us live on a "I'm waiting for the Lord to guide me" when the Lord is saying "I've given you the tools, now it's time to put the plan together." Yes we are led by the Spirit, but at the same time we have to have a plan in order to succeed. I pray that we will be more intentional when it comes to planning and being organized.

Prayer of Application: Thank you Lord for your Word and what you were saying to us tonight. Help us to apply these principles in a way that you will be glorified in everything that is done in life. Help us to be wise in our daily living, decisions and matters of importance. Let us show the type of love that will draw others to you. Even give us the ability to love those who have mistreated us because at the end of the day we understand that this life is about glorifying you. To you oh Lord receive the glory and honor forever and forever, amen!

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« Reply #162 on: September 25, 2011, 09:19:16 AM »
Proverbs 25

Here we have a third collection of Solomon's Proverbs, this one made by Hezekiah.  We notice in this chapter through chapter 29 that comparisons, warnings and instructions go forth.

vs 6-7 Put not forth thyself in the presence of the king, and stand not in the place of great men:  For better it is that it be said unto thee, Come up hither; than that thou shouldest be put lower in the presence of the prince whom thine eyes have seen.  These stood out because they reminded me of a story my father-in-law told me of a young minister.  He visited a church and went straightway to the pulpit but was later asked to sit down in the pews to make room for other ministers.  That could be seen as an embarrassment to a person in a lot of cases.  Anyway, it is better to humble yourself and be exalted rather than exalt yourself and be humbled.  Those actions reveal an extent to the knowledge of the word inside the person in question (Luke 14:7-11). 

vs 16 Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.  When it comes to food and most other things, too much of it can be detrimental to the body.  I was surprised to find out some years ago that even too much water can be harmful.  There are times when our body craves food as well as other things and there is a longing to enjoy in excess.  A true war within our members take place quite often.  The flesh goes against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh Romans 7:13-25.  When the two voices present themselves to us, which one shall we listen to, "more more" or "that's enough".

vs 17 Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee. I love what Matthew Henry says about this verse.  It is a piece of civility to visit our neighbors and family sometimes.  It is wisdom, as well as good manners, not to be troublesome to our people too often, nor stay too long nor come at meal time, nor be all up in their business.  Familiarity breeds contempt.  How much better a friend is God than any other friend; the more we come to Him the better and the more we are welcome.

vs 26 A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring.  The falling away of a righteous man or one perceived to be righteous can be unsettling to the body of Christ.  Some people are just grieved and upset when such a thing happens.  For others who are weak can also be compelled to follow a bad example.  To me this is one of the reasons spiritual leaders endure so much pressure.  The enemy knows that if he can get the leader others will easily fall as well.  This ought not to be so.  Our salvation should never be dependent on the walk of another person.   Furthermore, this falling away becomes a bad reflection on the church because many who are on the outside will erroneously lump all of us into one category or make sweeping generalizations.  I thank God that our judgement will not come by a sweeping generalization but rather based upon how we have individually lived our life. 


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« Reply #163 on: September 25, 2011, 10:04:43 PM »
Proverbs 25

-25:9-10 "When arguing with your neighbor, don't betray another person's secret. Others may accuse you of gossip, and you will never regain your good reputation." I'll start by admitting that I have gossiped before. I'm learning that gossip (both the receiving and giving of it) is dangerous and can have devastating circumstances. Gossip has ruined relationships, hurt communities and divided churches. The fear of becoming a victim of gossip keeps some people from pursuing what they should. Let us remember that gossip is unhealthy and does far more damage than good.

-25:19 "Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot." How many of us have got in bad situations because we decided to put our trust in someone who has a history of not being reliable? As humans we need each other but ultimately we must learn how to trust and depend (our guest speaker explained the difference) in God.

Prayer of Application: Lord I repent of not giving you glory through gossip. I even repent of being the recipient of gossip. Lord I pray for a heart and mind to avoid gossip and everything connected with it. Lord teach us how to be dependent on you in our times of circumstances. Show us through discernment who is there for us and who will be consistent. Thank you Lord for your guidance as we try to live out your principles, amen!

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« Reply #164 on: September 26, 2011, 07:59:00 AM »
Proverbs 26

vs 2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
Life and death do lie in the power of the tongue however this is not so for everyone.  See I Samuel 17:43  The source here must be taken under consideration.  People out of wickedness love to pronounce calamity on others with whom they disagree.  What kind of world would this be if all such decrees were honored?  Our faith and power of speaking should serve to edify and strengthen rather than destruction.  There was a time when I was so foolish to think that God was going get someone just because they did me wrong.  While there is a price to pay for all wrongdoing, the manner of payment is not our concern.  The Lord knows how to work it out.  Obadiah 15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.

vs 4-5
On one hand its says to answer not a fool according tho his folly, then in verse 5 it says to answer him according to his folly.
At first glance there seems to be contradiction here.  However, verse 4 speaks to a wise person not stooping down to the level of a fool to outdo them.  An example would be a foolish person telling a lie for the sake of debate, then the wise person comes back with an even greater exaggertion for the sake of debate.  In other words, we should not be led by the foolish ramblings of others.  In verse 5, a wise person should in fact at times point out the error of the fools reasoning, thus answering them according to the folly.  As sure as fool speaks there will be great errors in reasoning that can easily be pointed out. Finally, an application of Ecclesiates 3 would be fitting in relation to these two verses.  There is a time to keep silent and a time to speak.

vs 17  He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears.
This scripture stood out to me because I don't think we have discussed one like this up until now.  What I see here can simply be put out as "mind your own business".  It's easy for some and not so easy for others.  To jump into a disagreement that doesn't concern you is like adding flame to the fire.  We are called to follow peace where so ever it be possible. When we follow peace, peace shall in return follow us.(Romans 12:18 and Hebrew 12:14)


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« Reply #165 on: September 26, 2011, 10:01:27 PM »
Proverbs 26

Two themes I want to discuss:

1. Laziness. We see this in verses 14-16. As I said in an earlier chapter, laziness is an issue that the Lord is working on me about. Honestly, I believe I'm getting better but still have a ways to go. Laziness holds back our potential to be successful because we would rather be stuck in bed doing nothing than being productive. Laziness is also a killer in the most valuable asset we have on this earth: time. The time that many of us spend being lazy is the time we could be productive and accomplishing something but unfortunately the time we wasted being lazy is going forever and therefore we have to just move forward.

2. Words that hide something deeper. We see this 23-25. As I read this I thought about how in the black church we're so big on the presentation of a sermon vs the content. A lot of us are moved by the words of a preacher that "sounds" good but may not be good and at the same time they may not mean a thing they are saying. We have to remember that just because someone "talks" about God doesn't necessarily mean that they believe in and follow God. What's interesting is that God sees beyond surface. God sees our intentions. Even though we may be "frontin" about what's going on, God knows all.

Prayer of Application: Lord, we repent of the times that we were lazy instead of being productive for your kingdom. Allow us to use time wisely so that you are glorified in all that we do. Lord, we then pray for our hearts that they be in tune with what we say and what we believe. Lord, teach us not to by words but to go by the heart. In all we do Lord, let your name be glorified, amen!

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« Reply #166 on: September 26, 2011, 10:37:14 PM »
Yes brother, I do believe we underestimate time.  I first realized how fast time goes by when internalizing a portion of the movie "Roots".  The little girl Kizzy was looking at the family tree with her father and he showed her which branch represented him and how far the family had come.  Just looking at the events and time that passed in their lives let me know that my time here may not be such a long occurrance.  When compared to eternity, it's as if though we all have a split second to make a decision as to where we will spend eternity.  Age and experience has taught be to enjoy the times we have more and attempt to be more productive.  Funny that I find myself getting up earlier, staying up later, and sleeping less in my more progressive years.  It doesn't amaze me how grandma and granddad would do it back in the day.   :)

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« Reply #167 on: September 26, 2011, 10:38:12 PM »
Yes brother, I do believe we underestimate time.  I first realized how fast time goes by when internalizing a portion of the movie "Roots".  The little girl Kizzy was looking at the family tree with her father and he showed her which branch represented him and how far the family had come.  Just looking at the events and time that passed in their lives let me know that my time here may not be such a long occurrance.  When compared to eternity, it's as if though we all have a split second to make a decision as to where we will spend eternity.  Age and experience has taught be to enjoy the times we have more and attempt to be more productive.  Funny that I find myself getting up earlier, staying up later, and sleeping less in my more progressive years.  It doesn't amaze me how grandma and granddad would do it back in the day.   :)


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« Reply #168 on: September 26, 2011, 11:37:15 PM »
Proverbs 27

vs 1 Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
To me this scripture stresses the importance of not putting off doing something today while assuming we could take it up on tomorrow.  Tomorrow truly isn't promised to anyone.  With the recent disasters and terrorsitic threats as well as uncertainty on the world front,  many people wake up and think that the day will be as many other days.  Very few could see 911 coming before it happened yet many people lost their lives that day and many more since that day.  The grace of God gives us a new day in it's fullness to do this and that so we say, "if it's the Lord's will".

vs 7 The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
An illustration is made here between the destitute and those well off.  A person accustomed to the finer things in life often get to a point where certain blessings become common to them.  I am personally guilty of this act.  Whenever I made the statement I'm tired of this or that whether it be a certain food, clothing, or task.  I realize that many people would love to have what I'm tired of.  The less fortunate are naturally more thankful than the priviledged.  Generally they thank God for the little they have rather than complain about what they don't have.  Someone said in the Lounge that we all are considered rich in comparison to people in other parts of the world.  How blessed are we oh Lord, and we thank you for all your many blessings.

vs 10 Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.
Here the father admonishes the son to take heed to friends of the father.  Essentially the friend of the father will be a friend to you as well.  Oddly enough, it was the wise counsel of the older guys that was forsaken by Solomon's son.  The elders know the way to go and the way that has been traveled, so it would be to our advantage to absorb all that they have to offer. 
It has been said that blood is thicker than water, but this isn't necessarily so according to the second part of this verse.  There are times when turning to the water or a good friend or fellow saint benefits more than that of a relative who is distant.  Our brothers and sister were made for adversity and their is a friend that can stick closer than a brother if we are blessed to have such a friend. 

vs 14 He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him.
To overpraise a person may also bring hardship.  Such praise can easily make other people jealous and also make the recipient loathe the person giving the praise.  People appreciate thanks and gratitude but don't want to be embarassed by it in the interim.  High-mindednes presents itself as another danger to the person recieving all that praise as well.  So we should not jeopardize such a person with too much praise but let them know whole heartedly how we appreciate them with tact.

vs 20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.
The average person wants more no matter how good they have it.  Advancement is truly a blessed thing but it should not be the dominant driving force in our lives.  The desire for more seems to distract many from their true prupose and may lead to destruction before they realize what this life is all about.  Therefore we must keep our eyes on the prize and glorify God for every opportunity we have to serve him.  He alone is the center of our joy.  I am so satisfied with my Savior.  He means more to me than anything that this world could ever offer me.  Are you satisfied with Jesus?

Luther Barnes - So Satisfied


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« Reply #169 on: September 27, 2011, 10:23:38 PM »
Proverbs 27

I think I'll discuss verses.

-27:2 "Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth--a stranger, not your own lips." This verse emphasizes the need for humility. Especially in ministry, we should not walk around bragging about how good we think we are and how the show is all about us. If we are to receive praise, it should come from others. There is nothing wrong with having confidence, but it should not carry over into arrogance. Philippians 2:1-11 emphasizes the need for us to remain humble in the midst of success.

-27:5 "An open rebuke is better than hidden love." Have we got away from this? I think so to a certain degree but I think that has happened because we as a society are a little more sensitive to rebuke (maybe it's just me) and also we mostly have a "I do what I want" mindset and therefore no one can correct us. I actually saw an example of open rebuke last night on twitter. A young man was basically calling out someone on something. That person then corrected them in front of everyone. Personally I'm not too big about that, but that was a imperfect example of open rebuke. This verse is very conflicting to me because I'm more of an advocate of private correction....*sigh*.

-27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." A true friend is one who helps you to be better and vice versa. If in a friendship only one is out helping the other be better, then there is a problem. We do not know it all and we need each other. True friendship is about helping each other grow. This can also be said about true relationships and marriages. If we go into a relationship thinking we have all the knowledge then we are totally off point. We need each other. Even though we are born and die alone, life was meant for us to help each other grow.

-27:23 "Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart into caring for your herds." This is the model of shepherd/sheep. This is the model we need to return to in black church pastoring. Pastoring has became so much about being the next big thing that we've neglected what being a pastor is really about, which is caring for those who have been put in his/her care.

Prayer of Application: Lord, we repent for taking praise into our own hands instead of giving you the glory! Remind us that our work is for your glory and your glory alone! Help us to be open to knowledge and instruction from our friends, particularly the ones who have your heart. Give us a receptive heart to receive all you want us to receive, amen!

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« Reply #170 on: September 27, 2011, 11:50:30 PM »
-27:5 "An open rebuke is better than hidden love." Have we got away from this? I think so to a certain degree but I think that has happened because we as a society are a little more sensitive to rebuke (maybe it's just me) and also we mostly have a "I do what I want" mindset and therefore no one can correct us. I actually saw an example of open rebuke last night on twitter. A young man was basically calling out someone on something. That person then corrected them in front of everyone. Personally I'm not too big about that, but that was a imperfect example of open rebuke. This verse is very conflicting to me because I'm more of an advocate of private correction....*sigh*.
Matthew 18:15
Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

I believe we inadvertently compare or mix these two scriptures with one another.  The Proverbial scripture is not comparing the Matthew 18:15 way with open rebuke but rather comparing open rebuke to quiet love.  Quiet love in this instance is one who will for the sake of so called love let a friend continue in the error of their ways.  Furthermore I believe that quiet love won't even pull you to the side.  That kind of love seems like the kind that will see a bugger in a friends nose and won't say word all day for lack of a better example.  ;D 
My question.  When is open rebuke best warranted?   Most of us would probably prefer the pulling to the side method because we wouldn't want someone doing that to us in public or for the sake of just not embarrassing a friend.  Paul rebuked Peter in public even in front of the very ones they were trying to convert.  They remained tight and I believe Peter was better off for it all.  Is it a personality thing?  Some people are more outspoken and have the kind of personality that would rebuke you in public but love you as much as any other person. 
To me it takes a close friend to do such a thing, a person who you know has your best interest in mind despite how things go down.  A close friend can openly rebuke another and it may sting or hurt for a while but in the long run it seems to come together.  This reminds me of a verse in our next chapter in proverbs.  The first part of the verse lets us know that "afterwards" meaning after some time has passed the person getting rebuked will show more favor to the person who delivered the rebuke than the "yes" people.  No doubt there will be contention between the two when open rebuke is practiced but as the scripture states after a while the two will come to their senses and be as strong as ever.

vs 23 He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with the tongue.

That was just a few of my thoughts on open rebuke.  I think this would be a great question to pose to the lounge.  Perhaps our collective reasoning will hammer out a suitable understanding. 

"When is it necessary to practice open rebuke"

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« Reply #171 on: September 28, 2011, 05:57:32 AM »
Proverbs 28

vs 1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
I thank God that I don't have to look over my shoulder for people who'd want to harm me.  When I sleep at night, there's no worry of someone targeting my house for wicked purposes.  The proverb relates to the blatant sinner who constantly lives in fear due to the lifestyle they have chosen.  This person can't trust hardly anyone.  The worst thing of all though is that they aren't trustworthy of their own soul for the time being, truly a dangerous person to be acquainted with.   The just on the other hand is portrayed as being bold.  This person answers the door without fear, answers the phone without worrying who it might be, and sleeps well at night.  This person don't go about dodging certain people for the fear of harm because of their lifestyle.

vs 10 Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession. This was good by the Matthew Henry Commentary.  The seducers, who attempt to draw good people to sin and mischief, shall not gain their point; they shall fall themselves into their own pit; and having been not only sinners, but tempters, their condemnation will be so much the greater, Matt 23:14-15.  The sincere shall not only be preserved from the evil way which the wicked would decoy them into, but they shall have graces and comforts of God's Spirit.  We may have to revisit this because of the scripture that says if the blind be leaders of the blind then they both fall into the ditch.  These two notions are worthy of further discussion.

vs 12/28 When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.
The spiritual state of a nation here determines the amount of glory that goes forth.  When the nation does that which is according to the word, the blessings flow from the men and women of God freely and everyone benefits spiritually.  However, when sin becomes the reproach of this thy people, men and women of God are put on the back burner and therefore the nation declines in many good things.  Holy men and women of God may be sought but not easily found during such dark times.  Even righteousness and a right word becomes like an endangered species.  The love of many can easily wax cold under such conditions.  Does it seem we as a nation are headed that way?

vs 22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.
Solomon here shows the error those who desire to get rich quick.  The evil eye here is one that envies or covets that which their neighbor has in their possession. This person is never satisfied.  Their eyes see and their eyes desire constantly without even being thankful for the many blessings that come their way.  Poverty overtakes such a one as the sudden pain of a woman expecting a child but for them their shall be no relief unless a change comes.

vs 27 He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse. 
There has been much talk of late about being recession proof.  Here we find the key to being truly recession proof according to God's word.  I have been guilty of hiding my eyes from people I've seen on the streets begging for money or food.  I have turned my face and avoided eye contact just so I wouldn't have to say no.  We may not always have the opportunity or ability to help someone in such cases but whenever the opportunity arises we should do all we can to help those in need.  Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
It should be noted that giving goes beyond money, or money given in church.  There are a multitude of ways in which we can give of ourselves.

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« Reply #172 on: September 29, 2011, 08:31:21 AM »
Proverbs 29

vs 1 He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
This proverb speaks of a dangerous state of mind.  "Without remedy" let's us know the seriousness of such an existence.   Many other proverbs have spoken of training up a child in the proper way and not sparing the rod with a hope that in the end the child would live a proper life.  Although this scripture is not directed mainly to children, it let's us know that there is a hard headed spirit that exists.  This person is impervious to correction and resists it in every manner.  It reminds me of a person being turned over to a reprobate mind.  There seems to be no remedy for people of such a mind.  There only recourse is shameful destruction.

vs 9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.
A wise man that reasons with a fool essentially waste their time.  One can pour their heart and soul out to another and yet get no where with them.  I wonder how many fools are being reasoned to every Sunday or when so ever people assemble themselves.  For it is indeed foolish to hear wisdom and never act upon it, to know something is right and good but never accept it.  Surely righteous ministers don't waste their time because you never know when there will be a breakthrough.  Nevertheless many will go through life having never accepted the free gift offered so many times to them.

vs 18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
This verse again speaks to the importance of having good spiritual leadership and a covering.  Some people feel they don't need a pastor or to be accountable to any man.  However, without such a structure in place, destruction becomes quite possible.  In fact, when there was no close walk with God we see where the children of God wandered in a clueless fashion doing what seemed right in there heart yet straying far from God.  When a man of God assesses such a situation he's grieved at how the people have drifted.  Thank you Lord for men and women of vision.

vs 27 An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.
Opposites don't attract in this case.  Birds of a feather tend to flock together.  If our associations be with those who are contrary to God's way, then it speaks volumes about  our own lifestyle.  The world should be naturally turned off by the way we live.  There should be some conviction that hopefully leads to admiration and imitation.  There was also a time when we were convicted in our lives, we admired the life of Jesus and wanted to be like him.  That's all any man or women should ever want, "to be like Jesus.   http://www.myspace.com/hezekiahwalkerlfc/music/songs/to-be-like-jesus-28166103


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« Reply #173 on: September 29, 2011, 09:50:25 PM »
Tonight I"m doing to do Proverbs 28 and 29. I forgot to do Proverbs 28 because I was so caught up in the wildness of the final day of the baseball season....LOL!!!

Proverbs 28

-28:2 "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability." As a nation we are in trouble in part because of the collapse of morals and values which starts at the top, the government, the people we elect to "serve" us. Not all but many of them cheat their way into offices. They say they will do one thing but end up doing another thing. We've accepted cultural relativism as norm and we as a nation will continue to be in calamity until we embrace some absolutes. 

-28:6 "Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich." Sometimes it seems like our nations rewards people who are rich, even if it means they had to lie and cheat just to get the money they have. The verse indicates that it is better to be honest and living within our means then to lie and have everything we want. We also have to remember that if we have money, and got it by lying, that money is not being used for the glory of God. It is better to have $1000 in the bank being honest than have $1,000,000 and have to lie just to keep it.

-28:22 "Greedy people try to get rich quick but don't realize they're headed for poverty." I usually try to do different verses than those previously but I just had to say something on this verse. I'm learning that anything worth having in life is worth working for and earning. Trying to get rich quick via the lottery or other schemes at the end of the day hurt. Why? Because many times we don't value that money the same way we would if we worked hard for what we got. I'm not against professional ball players getting money but them getting rich quick is very interesting in light of many of them being in poverty later in life. If we're going to have anything, let's get it the right way.

-28:23 "In the end, people appreciate honest criticism far more than flattery." Is that indicative of today's church? It seems like the church is more moved by cliches and tired phrases than the real truth. It also seems like many of us would rather someone tell us something to feel good vs what will help us. As Christians (and I'm working on this as well) we should appreciate pure honesty from people instead of hiding truth. Within that, there is also a right and wrong way to express what we want to express, yet we should be honest. As they say, honest is the best policy!

Prayer of Application: Dear Lord, many of us have had issues with integrity and honesty. We repent for the times that we had did things that went against integrity. Now Lord we pray for Your spirit to lead and guide us in all paths and directions that Your name may be glorified in everything that we do, whether it be our businesses or our personal lives. We trust you because you said as we seek your rule (kingdom) and right standing (righteousness) that the other things (our needs) would be added. We seek you and depend on you, amen!


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« Reply #174 on: September 29, 2011, 10:38:50 PM »
Proverbs 29

Before giving my comments, I want to give my take and expound on what Hasmonean1 said on 29:18 from the KJV (I've been reading Proverbs from the New Living Translation (NLT)). The verse in the KJV says "where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." What I like is that in the NLT is says "When people do not accept divine guidance..." What does this mean? To me it means that the "vision" must be guided by God. As Hasmonean1 mentioned, spiritual leadership is very important. It is important that pastors (if churches operate in this model) have visions that direct the church back to God. Trying to boost your own ego and market is NOT a "vision." A "vision" is also not trying to find means to control the members more. A "vision" should be biblically based and centered on discipleship, evangelism and spiritual growth. Everything else is personal preference.

-29:11 "Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back." The more mature we get in Christ, the more we should be quiet, especially in situations that would (in our flesh) cause us to get angry. I've seen this theme so many times in Proverbs: we have got to learn how to not feel the need to always "express" ourselves in certain situations. I believe things would be better in our world if we decided to sometimes be quiet. Every situation does not call for us to express our emotions. Some situations call for us to be quiet. Now we're not suppose to let people take advantage of us, but at the same time always having something to say in negative situations is not always good. LGM, let's be more cautious about feeling the need to always "respond" to something we don't like or is said to and about us on here. Sometimes it's best to just ignore and....KEEP IT MOVING!

-29:19 "Words alone will not discipline a servant; the words may be understood, but they are not heeded." Leadership has got to get back to the idea of modeling. It's not enough for us to preach and teach what is "right and wrong." Leadership must demonstrate that in actions. Part of the reason why discipleship is failing in many churches is because many would rather just "tell" you how to do what's suppose to be done instead of being beside the growing believers and modeling. Jesus' ministry was not so much about telling the 12 disciples that to do; it was about "modeling" what they should do.

-29:25 "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety." Who do we fear (reverence) more in life? God or people? Sometimes I feel like we're very hypocritical in this matter. We say "only God can judge me" and say "I only listen to God" yet in actions we are more worried about what people say than God. This is the case in many situations including the need the church sees in being "relevant." For the record, I'm all for us considering different methods to reach people BUT I'm not in favor of us lowering the standard to reach people. Sometimes we will listen to the pastor more than God. While we are suppose to be accountable to each other, pleasing God should be our #1 concern because when it's all said and done, God is the final judge!

Prayer of Application: Lord, you have given us valuable information as it pertains to leadership and modeling. For those of us in leadership, allow us to model whatever we are trying to preach/teach/show to those under us. Remind us Lord that leadership is about service and NOT control! We also pray for more reverence for Your name. Let us remember that at the end of the day you are the one we will stand before once this life is over, amen!

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« Reply #175 on: September 30, 2011, 05:40:40 AM »
Before giving my comments, I want to give my take and expound on what Hasmonean1 said on 29:18 from the KJV (I've been reading Proverbs from the New Living Translation (NLT)). The verse in the KJV says "where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." What I like is that in the NLT is says "When people do not accept divine guidance..." What does this mean? To me it means that the "vision" must be guided by God. As Hasmonean1 mentioned, spiritual leadership is very important. It is important that pastors (if churches operate in this model) have visions that direct the church back to God. Trying to boost your own ego and market is NOT a "vision." A "vision" is also not trying to find means to control the members more. A "vision" should be biblically based and centered on discipleship, evangelism and spiritual growth. Everything else is personal preference.

-29:11 "Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back." The more mature we get in Christ, the more we should be quiet, especially in situations that would (in our flesh) cause us to get angry. I've seen this theme so many times in Proverbs: we have got to learn how to not feel the need to always "express" ourselves in certain situations. I believe things would be better in our world if we decided to sometimes be quiet. Every situation does not call for us to express our emotions. Some situations call for us to be quiet. Now we're not suppose to let people take advantage of us, but at the same time always having something to say in negative situations is not always good. LGM, let's be more cautious about feeling the need to always "respond" to something we don't like or is said to and about us on here. Sometimes it's best to just ignore and....KEEP IT MOVING!

Go ahead and preach young man.

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« Reply #176 on: September 30, 2011, 06:41:34 AM »
Proverbs 30


We have come to the first of two supplements to the book. The book is concluded in chapter 29, and chapter 30 is supplement number one. Chapter 31 is supplement number two. Supplement number one we might call The Words of Agur, and supplement number two, The Words of King Lemuel.

The words of Agur consist first of his confession, in verses 2-4. Then the conclusion
to which he came, because of what he learned in relation to what he confessed. Then,
we have a prayer that he prayed. After that, he begins a discussion of a series of
fours. He speaks of four generations in verses 10-14. Actually, the wordgen erati ons
could be translated as well by the wordcl ***, so he is thinking about four classes of
people. Then he speaks of four insatiable things, four wonderful things, four
intolerable things, four little things, and four comely or stately things. He closes his
discussion with a word of admonition.”

This opening verse has a lot of comments just because nobody really knows who
these people are. There has been much speculation, but no facts, and so w just have
to accept that Agur and his friends are godly men that God used to convey the
wisdom of this chapter to the rest of the world. Clarke, “words of Agur the son of Jakeh - words Agur, Jakeh, Ithiel, and Ucal, have been considered by some as proper names: by others, as descriptive characters. With some, Agur is Solomon; and Jakeh, David; and Ithiel and Ural are epithets of Christ.

vs 7-9  This portion of chapter 30 contains a prayer by Agur. It shows his devotion, humility, and zeal for the Lord.  He desires that nothing comes between him and God.  He prays over areas that so easily distract most of us today, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  These we must overcome in order to have a true relationship with God. 

vs 11-14 These verses along with the beginning of 15 describes a perverse generation or class of people.  These people have been overtaken by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.  Their end is wickedness continually.  There is another generation that is not spoken of here and it's the generation we strive to be.  Psalms 24:6 This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.
If we seek him and his way, we should indeed find him and attend to his ways while blessing others along the way.

vs 18-20 These verses convey mysterious wonders as stated in the first three examples.  The fourth shows his ignorance to unseemingly dealing with a woman.  The eagle flies and no man can track its path, likewise no man can track the way of a serpent upon rocks, and the ship leaves no trail as it travels in the sea.  The fourth, the way of a man with maid (virgin).  The wickedness of mind and dealings of a man here are foreign to him.  The world calls it game, but this is a game Agur has never played.  This evil cohabitation is compared to an adulterous woman who lies and conceals the true nature of her heart.  Let us be likewise ignorant to sin and deceitfulness.   Romans 6:12
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

vs 32 If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth. 
Simply put, if we have erred in our ways, we should get it right with God.  Repent and remove that weight or sin that so easily can beset us.


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« Reply #177 on: September 30, 2011, 10:59:07 PM »
Proverbs 30

-30:1b "I am weary, O God; I am weary and worn out, O God." How many of us feel that way at times? At the same time how many of us are not honest in that feeling? The author of this portion of proverbs admits how he is feeling. When we feel down and out we should admit how we feel to God and allow God to lead and guide us out of whatever is going on or give us grace to deal with the situation.

-30:8b "Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me enough to satisfy my needs." This verse emphasizes the need for an attitude of contentment. Our attitude should need be a "whatever" attitude or a "over-consumption" attitude. Many people are in debt because they don't have an attitude of contentment. They want to keep up with the Joneses and try to impress people buying stuff with money they don't have to impress people that probably don't like them. We should live our life in an attitude that says, Lord whatever you provide I will be satisfied because I know you will provide for my needs. Thank you Lord!

-30:18 "There are three things that amaze me--no, four things that I don't understand." How many things do we totally not understand? That is a part of life. From situations to circumstances to some norms in life. There are some things in life that we may never understand on this side of the earth. We may have a little insight as we age but overall there are some things we'll never understand on this side of the earth. Whatever those things are, I just pray that the Lord provides insight sometime even though the song says "we'll understand it better by and bye."

Prayer of Application: We thank you Lord for your Word. Help us to apply it in the areas of our life that need improvement. Provide our needs and lead us in the right direction to receive whatever you have for us. We pray for an attitude of contentment as we live. We also pray for a honest and transparent attitude as we walk on this journey called life know that you are with us, amen!


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« Reply #178 on: October 01, 2011, 08:22:42 AM »
I'll do my synopsis on Proverbs 31 tonight but I just want to say that this series has been incredible! I've learned a lot about life and some things I need to work on. That's why we study the bible, so that we can learn about God's ways and apply those ways to our life. I'm grateful for all those who got us back on track.

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« Reply #179 on: October 01, 2011, 09:30:15 AM »
Proverbs 31

In the first part of Proverbs 31 vs 1-9, the mother of King Lemuel expresses two dangers that could hamper his effective reign.  She spoke of women and strong drink as being the chief adversaries.  The power that a woman possess is that which can sap the power of nearly any man.  Jezebel and the wife of Pharaoh are fitting examples of that power put to use.  Someone once stated in the lounge that some women don't know the power they possess and that's so very true.  We as Godly men should also be aware of that potential power and let it not have dominion over us.  To sum it up, a king or any other man should not let anything get into their head that would subvert quality decisions and Godly lifestyle.

The virtuous woman has been discussed in detail here on LGM in the past.  Therefore I did research and brought back to life some old posts that are beneficial to this section.

Since we're talking about the Proverbs 31 woman...
We like to assign that title to every woman who is God-fearing, celibate, and knows how to cook.  But, she isn't just one who loves the Lord and is virtuous.  She is a business woman. She is a planner.  She is organized.  She encourages her husband, and does her part to guard his reputation; she represents him well and always takes pride in her appearance.  She manages her household and uses her talent to earn entrepreneurial income.  She is dependable, smart and honest.  She knows how to make clothing, plant her own vegetables, and doesn't sleep all day and night: she isn't lazy and doesn't seek out conveniences in place of quality for her family.  She is wise, kind, Godly and skilled, and doesn't get involved in idleness (foolishness, including gossip and laziness).  Her work speaks for her and she has a solid, honorable reputation.

This is part of a new series of messages to singles called "Idols In The Church." We compare the Proverbs 31 woman to the church lady, and the man of GOD to a slick preacher. Hope it blesses someone.

The Bible says that Idols are the works of man's hand's, but evil spirits are behind them. The Proverbs 31 woman is a standard that the Bible gives people to strive for; it is a standard for the sisters to emulate and a standard for brothers to look for.

However, the Proverbs 31 woman has been replaced by a cheap knock-off. She looks like like the Proverbs 31 woman, because she is always in church. But if you look closely, you see differences. She isn't the Proverbs 31 Woman, she is an idol called the church lady.

The Proverbs 31 woman is a financial asset to her home. She is industrious, hard working; she has developed her talents and uses them to bless her home. The church lady is a financial liability. She has not developed any talent except how to dress, and she gets what she wants by manipulation, control and whining.

The Proverbs 31 woman sees well to her house. The church lady has no home skills.

The Proverbs 31 woman is stylish, classy and elegant. The church lady is either overdone with too much makeup and jewelry, or thinks her salvation is in her clothes and needs to put some makeup and jewelry on.

The Proverbs 31 woman can do physical stuff; the Bible describes her as clothing her arms with strength. The church lady get tired the moment it is time to do anything physical, no lawn work, no spring cleaning, no cooking anything that takes time or preparation, no turning mattresses, etc.

The Proverbs 31 woman has a husband who can't stop praising her, he says that of all the good women out there his boo has outdone all of them. The church lady's husband travels out of town to get away from her for a while.

The Proverbs 31 woman carries her Bible so she can read it. She guides her life and her house by prayer and what the Bible says. The church lady carries her Bible so she can be seen with it. She guides her life by what gets her approval from her denomination.

The Proverbs 31 woman is a leader and an example to other sisters to follow; others look to her for counsel, guidance and she wants to help others succeed in life. The church lady looks like a leader, but if you look closely she just has a posse of sisters whom she decides is either "in the clique" or "out of the clique." You'd better not succeed past what she approves of, or you are "out." 

We have replaced the Proverbs 31 woman with an idol. As a result, young single men are confused as to what to look for, and young single women are confused as to whom to emulate. And the single population is by and large greatly a mess.

Ever notice there is no physical description of the Proverbs 31 woman? That is because she can be anyone, rich or poor / educated or uneducated / from a solid home or a broken home. Like GOD is Invisible and we serve HIM by faith, following His Spirit and His Word . . . we don't know what the Proverbs 31 woman looks like. That has made it easy to replace her with an idol, someone we can look at.

In the Old Testament, revival started when idols were torn down. Let's tear down the idol of the church lady.

Be Blessed   

Yes I did----all ya'll knew who Big Daddy was before he even logged on this site. "Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land." The virtuous woman's husband was known because of her reputation and because she did things to lift her husband up. She honored her husband. She respected her husband.  She was not a woman who was trying to take the lead but she complimented her husband's ministry.

"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." Why do you think her children call her blessed? Because they saw that her lifestyle at home matches her lifestyle in public and her lifestyle in church! {OUCH---that hurt somebody.} They also call her blessed because they see how well the husband treats her-----" he praiseth her."  He ain't only praising her because she is a good financial planner, seamstress, etc.---but God said "be fruitful and multiply"---- the husband is SATISFIED with the process it takes to multiply! In other words , Sista Virtuous is taking care of business with her man! As a result, the brother is taking care of her need for attention & affection---he praises her! The Virtuous woman has a GOOD MAN!!

Yes!---I am a Virtuous Sista! And you sistas that are too uptight to AT LEAST ask your husband what's your fantasy----SHAME ON YOU! But I ain't just asking my husband......I take care ----let me stop.  ;D

I dance, I sing
I sew, I write
When I worship God
I worship him with all my might
I am a virtuous woman

I cook, I clean
I pray, I dream
Without God
I can do none of these things
I am a virtuous woman

Strength and beauty
Love and Life
I am a gift to man
Whom God breathe into the breath of life
I am a virtuous woman

I represent my husband
Eve r ry where I go
At work, at church, and even to the sto
I am a virtuous woman

Every day the devil
Tries to bring me down
To keep me protected
I need a praying, God fearing man around
I am a virtuous woman

For my family
I search and seek out nothing but the best
I also make sure
My husband's clothes are clean and freshly pressed
I am a virtuous woman

Daily life, People, places and things
Sometimes they wear me down
But all I do is call on Jesus
He is always around

Test and trials are there to make me strong
With God as the head of MY life
I cant go wrong

Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her worth is far above rubies
Look no further
A virtuous woman
That's me...

In our society where physical appearance counts for so much, it may surprise us to realize that her appearance is never mentioned.  Her attractiveness comes entirely from her character.  The woman described in this chapter has outstanding abilities.  Her family's social position is high.  In fact, she may not be one woman at all - she may be a composite portrait of ideal womanhood.  Maybe we shouldn't see her as a model to imitate in every detail; our days are not long enough to do everything it says she does.  It would be a blessing to rather see her as an inspiration to be all you can be.

The book of Proverbs begins with the command to trust and reverence the Lord (1:7) and ends with the picture of a woman who fulfills this command.  Her qualities are mentioned throughout the book: hard work, fear of God, respect for spouse, foresight, encouragement, care for others, concern for the poor, wisdom in handling money.  These qualities, when coupled with fear of God, lead to enjoyment, success, honor, and worth.  Proverbs is very practical for our day because it shows us how to become wise, make good decisions, and live according to God's ideal.

I'll give my final thoughts and remarks later. 

Be blessed
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