Between the time you preach and possibly getting called back to preach again, what do you do?
I'm asking this because something just happened that basically turned me off from someone (before this Sunday) that was the favorite to being our next pastor. Overall I've grown frustrated with our pastoral search process. We had a preacher come in Sunday that is probably the favorite now and unless something happens will probably be the next pastor of our church. But here's my point:
The candidate sent me a facebook chat message in the following:
candidate: hey brotha pracher whats the word down there
me: Hey pastor! Haven't heard anything else. They still have guest preachers coming in.
candidate: i heard u all liked that kat from (name of church)
he wont be ready to leave where he is to get to u all like me (btw the preacher that preached Sunday is from out of state and wants to relocate to where our church is at)
Then he told me about the guest speaker coming on Sunday and how they know each other and blah blah blah.
To be honest, I was in favor of the candidate (even though I actually was leaning more towards the one that preached Sunday not just because of the Word but his overall demeanor....pretty humble) because of his practical teaching, leadership and ability to set some things in order. However, when he has came he has basically tried to make a case for why he should be pastor and always brings up what happened at the other church.
To me, when you're trying out for anything (not just pastoring) you should take the humble route. The candidates from last year (the main two) NEVER called or messaged anybody about where they stood. To me, it comes off as being desperate and pushy. If the Lord wants you to pastor, you should let the Lord work out the situation and humbly wait. Most likely the pulpit committee would give a call back to the candidates anyway. I just think it comes off as arrogant and pushy.
Am I wrong in my assessment? Sorry for the vent but just thought I'd express this.