I'm gonna respond to Jonathan's stuff tomorrow when I'm on my PC. Well, this part I can say now lol. The questions weren't an assignment or anything.

it was just to get/keep the discussion flowing. It was one of those things where you can answer one or all or none of them. No form, no fashion. Just sharing thoughts...
This random thought just crossed my mind. If we take something bad and use it for good, is it still bad??
Yep, In my opinion I asked a similar question regarding the steeples, but this one is a lil different. For an oft-used example, if a drug dealer gets pays his tithes is that money now bad money?
Who said drug money was bad?!?! Just kidding umm ....Does the "Don't Ask Don't Tell policy" apply in this case?If a person made millions investing her earnings from stripping, is her money dirty?
Rehab maybe?So if this stuff has pagan roots, but we use it for good, is it still bad??
In short all these questions are does the end justify the means...*just playing devil's advocate 'cause I know someone will have those questions*
Another random thought: the apostles were trained for 3 years by the Savior Himself. Why shouldn't preachers receive special training and why shouldn't it be mandatory?
Clergy Laity divide?I have a book that lists like 60 things the Apostles learned (and we can learn) from Jesus. That's training. Clearly it was important for Him to teach them this stuff. Shouldn't we have to know certain things before shepherding His precious people?