How many of you all would feel comfortable going to a worship gathering that didn't have an "order of worship" and just flowed?
I would.
I can't tell you how many impromptu, spontaneous worship gathering I've been a part of. The people in my circle of "friends" are all worshippers and praisers. Jesus is our lifestyle, not just what we do on Sabbaths or Sundays. So, it's nothing for us to end up in worship while sitting around someone's living room. Whenever we're together, we're digging into the Word. We'll take praise breaks in the parking lot, speak in tongues on a road trip, prophesy, sing hymns, minister to each other, etc.
So yeah, that's the norm for us.
One story I remember (cause y'all know I got a story for everything... lol): a few months ago, two sisters and I were returning to Selma from a weekend trip to Dallas. We left Dallas on Sunday morning, going straight to church in Selma. On the road that morning, I got a call from a young lady from Springfield I used to minister to. She was in an abusive marriage and her husband had just hit her, so she was packing to leave and wanted to come to meet me. After I dealt with her, my sisters and I began to pray. We prayed for a good hour or so and really went in. After prayer, we just kinda flowed into worship as one of the sisters started a hymn and we all joined in, then did hymn medleys... then, the other sister began sharing what the Lord was speaking to her, read the scriptures, and gave insight as the Holy Ghost gave it to her. We went back into worship, and the next thing we know, we were in Selma. That was a 7 hour trip and we spent about 5 in worship.