p19, they seem to be implying that Sunday became "THE" day of worship when Constantine decreed it a holiday. I thought that happened earlier on when the early Christians started meeting to commemorate the day Jesus rose from the dead??
Either way, y'all know I believe in keeping the original Sabbath, so this is a sore point for me, personally. If Sunday became "the day" because of Constantine's decree, it's not the end of the world, but it's not a good thing.
I mean, I do agree that at the end of the day, we have to be holy EVERY day and I doubt God is sending anyone to hell because they went to church on the "wrong" day. BUT... I don't think it's okay for us to dismiss God's decree just because of tradition and lack of understanding/knowledge.
Back to this subject, I would be curious to know who named the days of the week. Anybody remember that from 4th grade? LOL. Yeah, so if Constantine chose Sunday to honor the sun gods, I'm like *shrug* so what? WE don't honor the sun gods... so... *shrug*