Okay, I'm a week late, but I've finally caught up... with last week's reading. LOL. Finished Ch9 this morning on the train.
My additional thoughts (
on baptism):
The Apostolic Church is doing
something right.
We are the only denomination I know of that baptizes immediately upon confession. We do not plan or schedule baptisms or wait until the person's whole family can be there, etc. When a person comes to the altar to receive Christ, we baptize them right then and there. If they come to the altar for any other reason, we are trained to ask them if they have received Christ as their Savior and if they've been baptized in Jesus' name. If they say "no" we ask them if they are ready to do so today.
I agree with that, and I'm not sure how we ended up disconnecting baptism from the initial expression of faith. The two should indeed be simultaneous, per scripture.
As for the sinner's prayer, I think we've had discussions on that before. I'm not opposed to it. I consider it to be a minor thing. As long as the sinner's prayer is accompanied by sincere repentance, confession of faith, and baptism as immediately as earthly possible, I'm cool.