Oh there was another part of this chapter that I liked.
Where the author said next time you are in your church look at how things are placed.
At my church the podium for the preacher is front and center, and the cross and baptism pool is behind him. We have the theme for the year on his left and the church covenant on his right. The choir is also behind the pulpit. There is also a light just above his head and there is a special light above the cross further back. The communion table is in front of the pulpit
Mic for the preacher is the loudest mic. (don't get me started on that one that thing causes soo much feedback problems its ridiculous)
The pulpit is a large open space between the pulpit and the first row of pews, This is where devotion/praise and worship, invitation to discipleship, and easter plays and stuff like that happens.
wait a second I think I have a picture somewhere. But basically this arrangement says to me. The communion is the most important, followed by the pastor, followed by the theme and church covenant, followed by the baptism of people.