When I was a child you didnt have a choice in the matter.... You were going sing, you were going read scripture, you were going pray and public speak... So I guess I put in my mind that this is how it is and should be...
Well there is a limit or extent to all things.....
If I know that my child cant hold a tune in a wet paper bag I will not force him or her to be on the choir. I would look to another Ministry.. You cant go wrong as an Usher.... Dance Team... There is so many other things in Church kids can do....
If I may...
I disagree with this part.
When I was coming up, I don't think we had a choice about reading/reciting/memorizing scriptures, doing the welcome at youth services, praying, etc... We all enjoyed it, so I really couldn't tell you if we had a choice or not because we wanted to. I am most grateful for my upbringing because it helped shape me into a very articulate, outspoken woman with good diction and pretty much no fear of public speaking. I'm glad for all that stuff I had to do as a kid.
In turn, I made my daughter do stuff too. I don't know if she had a choice because when she was younger, she loved it all.
As she got older, that's when kids start to decide what they do and don't want to do, and as their talents and interests begin to develop, we as parents need to help shape them and not force our own stuff on them (that's my opinion).
I also disagree with you saying that you can't go wrong as an usher. You must not have ever seen an usher with a sour face, or a kid whose mama was making them usher. Either way, you can definitely go wrong with ushering, as with any ministry.
Kids, ESPECIALLY once they're old enough to know what they enjoy, should be placed in the ministry area where they can be effective.