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Author Topic: !!! ALL MUSICIANS PLEASE READ !!!  (Read 18237 times)

Offline 1achord

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« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2009, 12:31:45 PM »
I listened to the prophet's message and there's merit and truth to what he's saying. There are alot of musicians and singers who are performing in "self" and not operating within the "Spirit". As a musician, we are charged with helping to usher in and welcome the Spirit into worship. There's a lot of hotdogging with musicians. I stray into that area at times, but never during "worship"....just "praise".

Offline under13

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« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2009, 04:45:27 PM »
come on yall, i konw yall have some thoughts...

Why did you start a contreversial thread, and never return to give your opinion?

Offline Travis T

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« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2009, 11:32:25 PM »
I guess because I felt that opinoin lacked importance being that it has been stated numerous times by other LGMers.
HOLINESS IS RIGHT ! I Peter 1:16 "Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."

Offline dan99526

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« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2009, 08:43:28 AM »
Prophet Simmons knew exactly what he was talking about.  "God rest his soul". Read romans 12:1-2.   There has to be a difference between the church and the world!!!!!!!!!

Offline csharp57

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« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2009, 06:27:50 AM »
IMO...  If you are playing a song to set the attitude for worshiping THE LORD, the song's intro shouldn't have parts of these worldly songs.  That person in the audience that needs the that spirit filled song to help lighten burdens or bring the presence of the Lord in the room, is totally thrown off.  Either, trying to remember where he/she heard that tune before or why is the musician play that in church.

I'm not gonna sit here and act like i've never done it...  I used to get a kick out of looking around the church to see which church folks instantly know what i'm playing.  It backfired one day when I started playing the tune from "The Andy Griffin Show".  My Dad (the pastor) embarrassed the hell outta me.  (from that point I just tried to play tunes he didn't know... LOL!!)
"He has anoited me for service"

Offline kodacolor

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« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2009, 07:28:42 PM »
It backfired one day when I started playing the tune from "The Andy Griffin Show".  My Dad (the pastor) embarrassed the hell outta me.  (from that point I just tried to play tunes he didn't know... LOL!!)

 :-X  *giggle*

Offline t-jazz

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« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2009, 06:24:01 PM »
I think it all plays into that people wanna hear the music that was sung and played when they first fell in love with gospel music or the music that was out when the were growing up! If you talk to an older person in the church about contempary music, most will frown at it, but what some are too ignorant to realize is that the music they call traditional gospel was considered contempary back then. For example when Andre Crouch came out he was bashed by the church now his music is considered traditional. It was the same for Walter Hawkins, now you can't go into without hearing at least one Walter Hawkins song. They were yesterday's Kirk Franklin. But what I don't agree with is musicians playing jazzy or any type of chords to exhault themselves. You don't have to play jazzy chords to be a distraction to the church service. You can play all traditional chords but if try to out play the singer or play over the past to the point all the attention is on you its just as bad to me as playing John Coltrane thoughout the whole service. Truth be told most jazz musicians came from the church as well as R&B. What makes Gospel is the lyrics and the spirit behind the music as a whole!

Offline choirboy_2110

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« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2010, 11:39:17 AM »
I do not agree!! Thanks!!! Get out of the box!!! Michael Jackson "I'm Bad" used Mahalia Jacksons bass line in "Move on up a little higher!"

Offline uriahsmusic

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« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2010, 11:15:28 PM »
Nothing turns me off more than when a preacher starts getting into race and this "we are an oppressed people" garbage. That just sickens me to no end. Yes, I realize that was a very bad time in our history and I think we are still seeing the effects of it even today, but it's time to stop using that as an excuse. Maybe I don't understand because I'm white...
   This is the most disturbing thing that I have heard in a long time. This being a purposefully Christian site I will leave it at this....If you don't understand something because you are white..(your own words!)... maybe you should ask a question!...Maybe you should formulate the question that you have in your mind about the oppression of my people and ask it....then with the greatest of respect for the trials we have gone through and the people that have suffered and died.....carefully receive the answer. Try not to be sickened to no end when you hear the answer, try to hear it and try to feel it and try to simply receive it as someones reality.

Offline zb3

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« Reply #49 on: November 03, 2010, 09:15:18 AM »
I understand that a lot of churches have let the "world influences" bring down or water down their mission and message from Christ.  The churches mentioned in Revelation are an example and warning to us.  I am new at playing Gospel Organ.  I did not grow up in church but learned to play in the "clubs" at a young age. Jazz, Motown, soul, funk, old-school R&B, country, and rock the Lord used to teach me how to play.  I play for Jesus now and I am a Christian.  Most of the Gospel Organ I get to hear is from the internet and some Wheatworks DVDs that a friend loaned me.  When I listen to these Brothers and Sisters in the Lord playin' I see a lot of "my background" in the "music" part of it.  The difference is the message and whats coming from our hearts from our redeemed, cleansed, sanctified, delivered, healed, repentive, joyful, anointed, filled with the Holy Ghost, new creature in Christ that we have become because we have a Savior that loves us, died for us, rose for us, teaches us, cleanses us, advocates for us and enables us to praise, worship, shout, joyful tears, cry out, laugh, and love Him from our musical instruments and voices.  I wish I would have grown up in church but I didn't.  When I play in church I do not think of the secular songs I have played through the years I just play for Him.  Although I have not played a "secular" gig in awhile.  My last one was a Blues festival.  I try to do all things for the Lord now including whatever my musical job is. I try to do my best for my church and pray for God's grace and for God to break down the barriers and strongholds for the people to enter in to worship and praise of our precious Saviour and that I can back up my Pastor when he preaches.  I am running into different styles of organ from Deliverance style, Brooklyn style, COGIC style etc.  It is like being in school but I love it.  It is also quite humbling.  Some of the Gospel organ players put a lot of the jazz cats to shame as far as skill level but the Lord calls all of us at different points in life.  Moses had a Egyptian background but was chosen later in life for his calling to lead the chosen people.  Please pray for us that have a "secular" background but are now in church.  The last thing I want to do is offend anybody with the style and training that I have had but that is how the Lord trained me.  Praise God Jesus is still training me.  God bless everybody and sorry for the ramble.  Love ya, Wayne

Offline blessedhammond

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« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2010, 11:12:04 AM »
I agree with the preacher was saying...but i have some reservations about the jazz chords. however i can see how he feels that way. i've been in a service where the musician was using too many jazz chords in the time of worship. So many musicians today don't know how to tune into the spirit while they play and you can hear and feel this. You can learn jazz chords and incorporate them into gospel but u just gotta learn how to give it that gospel feel. I think this video just points out how some have been feeling in the church for some time now! We have singers and musicians full of the devil leading church service. And the church tolerates it because they are good at what they do. As a result there is no healing, no deliverance and test-a-lying. Let alone premeditated shouting and sudden jerks. You got to church and leave the same or worst than when you came.

This is so true I must say we as minstrels really must seek God for his endowment for chords and music that is consistently fresh.

Offline clcs

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« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2010, 11:27:43 PM »
muscians of the most high.....how r u.....first of all let me start of by saying nathan simmons is totally correct on everthing that he was saying.... but that doesnt mean you must stop playing the way u play because of what he said....it is apart of your style....and what we must understand is that we have tooken chords from R&B and jazz, BLUES this and that but we missed the big picture on what he was saying.....we focused on the the part where he insulted our way of playing and missed the part where he focused on us doin things out of the anointing .....us as musician have forgotten that all help comes from god and when we turn to other things that arnt gloryfing him to enhance our playing we have took time away from praying for chords,lick, runs ect....and we begin to mimick them instead of being original with our playing....we must understand that when we deal with god he shows us and minister to us things that no one else can think of or do....but when we begin to find another source of strength we begin to loose the anointing and everyone can do the same thing u can do ......and thats all he was trying to say....we as muscian, singers, preachers, are beginning to be about self and are starting to do more driving in demons rather than driving them out because of the things we are playing.....i mean its nice for a shed or sharing but when u in ministry thats a whole different story......being that satan was the cheif muscian in heaven  we are more intact to his spirit thats y u must pray before u do anything and humble ourself....because he will make you think its ok to do the things we do in church or when we are in ministry......music is a gateway to someone soul and when u play or sing or minister u become incharge of all those souls....so when u in church and are playing chords to a deangelo or music soulchild for talk music remember what u put into someone soul will show through there flesh...and for those of u who said that music came from jazz and blues i dont want u to ever be deceived if its not glorifying god it is certainly unholy.....and gospel music was created because there was to music to glorify him...there was other music talking bout love, sex, partying, romance, so hymns and other gospel songs were created....and they  used jazz and blues because they didn't know how to approach a sound for gospel.....little history lesson lol

 god bless '

Chris age 20....pls comment....this is a serious thing

Offline under13

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« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2010, 11:41:54 PM »
why so deep? ?/?

Offline jttacct

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« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2010, 07:28:01 AM »
Psalm:33 Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.
2Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.

3Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.

Offline kingc3

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« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2011, 12:37:25 AM »
prophet simmons is right i am 16 and i had the chance to pla for him when i was younger
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