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Author Topic: I have programed some MO6 b3 sounds...Tell me what you think...what do I need  (Read 3223 times)

Offline uriahsmusic

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It is programmed so the first fader controls the 1st four drawbars and the remaining 3 faders control the 6th, 7th and 8th drawbar..I left the 9th drawbar out.  I tweaked the sounds to be rough like the one at my church

Please tell me what you think or what you might have done

mo6 organ exp.mp4

Offline docjohn

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yo YM;what did you do as far as to get here from stock? It sounds good,I'm not sure how to A/B it with the stock sound.

imo;it might be a mistake to leave #9-the 1' out.Most jazz/gospel cats use that(1');the # 5,7,8 aren't all that useful.

there's a cat on u-tube who programmed his XS  with B4 sounds-so he had all 9 bars.Since you only have 4 to work with;it might sound better to develop your IdeA a bit!

Maybe combinations (like you did with # 1 being 1 st 4 bars) to get variations.If I were to do something like this,it would be more useable to have the first 3 faders same as 1 st 3 bars;allow 888,858,688 settings ;and the use the LAst bar,for #9,or combinations like you tried.That would give you (hopefully) a little more realism.

I have my CX3 Korg mounted under my XS 6;the Motif sounds are almost as good as a dedicated clone! The xs just sounds a little thinner;probably due to memory considerations.hope this is helpful feedback!

Offline uriahsmusic

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,,well....you select a voice that is close in sound to what you want....then you hit the edit button...

It brings up a screen and you wil notice it says common up top in the window

you can tweak that set of pages to see if the parameters will get you what yoy want to hear.....if not

Go to the right where the buttons are lit up and hit any of the buttons name 1,2,3 or 4

this takes you to a page where you can chose different wave forms and change the sound that way

or you can pick other parameters to mess with...I mess with the eq parameters (they say eq in their name)

otherwise you may want to hit exit until you get to the initial play page and then hit effects

what I did there was added compressor instead of exciter (which they used) and that gave it a rough aggressive attack and overall sound

then i went to the leslie sound and tweaked the gains on the low and mid range which set the sound on fire!...it brings out the nasty distortion and annoying nasal sounds that make a B3 sound unique

be sure to hit "store" frequently and remember where you stored the sound

Offline docjohn

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can you assign the 16',8',4' to the 1 st 3 bars?instead of all 2 or 3 or 4 to 1 slider?think you're on to something;my XS has that already done.Good thought;keep up the good work!

I saw a video somewhere of Chester Thomas(santana) using 2 Motif's to cover ALL of it-NO B3 in sight

Offline uriahsmusic

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can you assign the 16',8',4' to the 1 st 3 bars?instead of all 2 or 3 or 4 to 1 slider?think you're on to something;my XS has that already done.Good thought;keep up the good work!

I saw a video somewhere of Chester Thomas(santana) using 2 Motif's to cover ALL of it-NO B3 in sight
That is easy to do but what about the high draw bars? After experimenting I found that there was more bang in being able to mess with the higher bars.  Though the second lowest draw bar 5 1/3 made a big difference also. I think next I will skip the 16' and use the rest and just use a bass wave instead of the 16'

Offline docjohn

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Like I said U,I mostly don't use much of the high bars except the last -the 1'.Do you have access to a real B or good clone? Maybe spend some time on one of those and take those  to your programming endeavors.

Look on u-tube;there's a clone out there called the "Hammichord ?);they talk about the software EVB3(?) that powers it;perhaps you can incorporate that into your MO.You seem to have some pwter' skills-good luck!

Offline under13

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Nice. didnt know you played organ. I used to just use the patch called fully when I had a MO6. Now that I have a roland with 9 real drawbars, I dont think I could go back to 4 bars.

Offline docjohn

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which Roland?  Yamaha has a lot of their presets using several bars per slider.

Offline under13

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which Roland?  Yamaha has a lot of their presets using several bars per slider.

I have the Roland VR-760. Multiple bars per slider is too limiting when it comes to shaping sounds.
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