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Author Topic: Bless That wonderful Name of Jesus Chords in f, transposed so I can play it in C  (Read 6420 times)

Offline tram

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transposed though so I can play it like im playing in C

Offline lordluvr

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Welcome to LGM!  Question(s): Do you know some theory?  The number system?  If so, I suggest you try transposing it yourself.  You will benefit so much more from trying it yourself than from simply getting the chords from someone else.  I speak from experience.

Offline betnich

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transposed though so I can play it like im playing in C

#295 in the African American Heritage Hymnal

{looks it up}

Hmm...no chord symbols, but it's in G, melody similar to how I remember it...Rhythm a little different, but the basic chord Progression is...

|| G |   |   |   |

|  C  |      |    |  G  |

| G |   |   |   |  Em  |

| G  | A7 D7 | G |   ||

{puts on musical thinking cap}

Now if the main (1, 4, 5) chords are G, C, D7, and the others (6, 2) are Em and A7, then to play in F go down one letter in the alphabet for each chord, and it's...

F, Bb (because of the flat in the key of F), C7, Dm, G7

Now, assuming you want to put them in C, go to your keyboard and count down the natural keys from F to C, like this....

F  E  D  C 

{How many letters is that?}

There's your answer -  down four, including the 1st note. So...

Key of F       Key of C
F                  C
Bb                  F
C7                 G7
Dm                  Am
G7                  D7

So now you have this chord progression in C...

|| C |   |   |   |

|  F  |      |    |  C  |

| C   |   |    |  Am  |

| C  | D7 G7 | C |   ||

this is a Guitar-style chord chart. But, what if you can't figure that out? What if you "need the letters"? No problem...

C     = C E G
F     = F A C
G7    = G B D F
Am    = A C E
D7   = D F# A C

Not the greatest voicing, but play the bottom note with your LH, and the others with your RH...
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