my Bible says "all things are ordered/allowed by CHRIST for HIS PURPOSE(s) /GLORY " ;COLOSSIANS,as well as "things meant for evil will be turned for good":ROMANS.
If GOD is IN control,HE IS in control.HE does NOT ordain or author evil,but allows it.HE allows our "choices" just like you let your child do something that may cause some pain,because the greater lesson/benefit may be in the failure.
Proof? Read last couple chapters of REVELATION regarding the Millenial reign;if I read this correctly;there will be children born on earth during CHRIST's perfected rulership.Yet,after 1,000 years of HIS rulership,sin and rebellion will resurface for ONE final time! With all of history and consequences and the knowledge of available,history repeats.
Until the Very End;with the New Jerusalem -where NO sin will enter in or be found forever.