Dear Pastor, Music Department, Church Family:
The Music Ministry of Sloan Memorial United Methodist Church extends this heartfelt invitation for your presence on Sunday - March 28, 2010 at 3:30 PM for a Palm Sunday worship experience in song, dance, and God?s Word. The theme ? ?I Surrender All? embraces the praise and worship elements of this celebration.
Several guest artists will accompany the Sloan Music Department. The featured
solo artist is the renowned BARBARA JOHNSON TUCKER. Members of your music department are welcome to join us for our Music Workshop leading up to this Palm Sunday celebration. Details for the Music Workshop are as follows:
Dates: March 23rd, 24th, and 25th (Tues., Wed., Thurs.)
Time: 7 PM Nitely
6:30 PM to 6:55 PM ? Fellowship/Registration/Devotion
Registration: $10 per participant
It is our fervent prayer that you will come out and be a part of this worship experience! Should you desire additional information and/or clarifications, please contact - Ms. LeKrystal Williams at 832-921-1188.
Ms. Paulette Williams, Minister of Music
Ms. LeKrystal Williams, Choir Director