Title: Memories
Key: Db
Artist: Joe Sample
Transcribed by: B3wannabe
Original (whole song)
My version (part 1)
Intro:F-Ab \ Eb-F-Ab, Db
F#-A \ E-F#-A, Db
Db-F-Ab \ Eb-F-Ab, Db
C-E-G \ D-E-G
Eb-Bb-Gb \ Db-Gb, F
Eb-Gb-A \ Db-Gb, Db
G-Bb \ Db-Gb, F
E-G-B \ E
F-Ab \ Eb-F-Ab, Db
F#-A \ E-F#-A, Db
Db-F-Ab \ Eb-F-Ab, Db
A-C#-G \ G-Bb-Eb
Eb-Bb-Gb \ Db-Gb, F
Eb-Gb-A \ Db-Gb, C
Eb-Gb-Bb \ Db-Gb
E-G-B \ E
verseDb \ F-Ab-C-Eb
F-Ab-C-Eb \ Ab, Gb, F, Gb
G-F \ B-Db-Ab
F \ B (press tritone again with thumbs)
Gb-Db \ Gb-Ab-Bb-Db (softly)
Bb-Gb \ Bb-Db-Gb, F, Eb, F
A-F \ C-Eb-Gb, C
F \ -
Bb-F-Ab \ C-Db
F-Ab \ Db, C, Db, Eb
Ab \ F, Ab
F-Ab \ Bb, Db
G-E-Bb \ Eb-G-Bb-Eb
E-Bb \ -
Gb-Db-Ab \ - (softly)
E-Bb \ Bb, Eb, Fb, Eb, Db, Bb
F-Eb \ Ab-C-Eb-Ab
Eb-Ab-C \ -
- \ Ab, Bb
Bb-Ab \ D-G-B, Bb
Eb, D \ -
Eb-Bb-Gb \ Bb-Db-F-Ab, Gb, F
Ab-Gb \ C-Eb-Gb
C-E \ Bb-Db-Gb, F, Eb
F-Eb \ A-Db-Gb
F-Eb \ A-Db-F, Db, C
Bb-F-Ab \ Db
Ab-F-Ab \ -
- \ F, Db, C
G-D \ F-Bb-Db, F
E-B-G \ Db-Gb-C
Eb-Bb-Gb \ Bb-Db-F-Ab (softly)
- \ Ab
A-Db-G \ D-Gb-A, B, Db, Eb
Ab-Eb-Gb \ Bb-Db-F-Ab, C-E-Ab
Db \ F-Ab-C-Eb
(Repeat left hand, and play melody an octave higher. Listen to the song to get the melody for the second half.)
End second half with the following...
- \ Ab
B-Eb-A \ Eb-Ab-Db, Eb
Bb-D-Ab \ D-F-Ab-Db, Ab
E-D \Ab-D-Gb, F
Eb-Bb-Db \ Gb-Bb-Db-F, F
A-Db-Gb \ A-Db-F, Eb
Ab-C-Gb \ C-F-A-C Ab
Db-Ab-F \ Eb-Ab-Db
B \ C#-D-Gb
E \ C#-D-Gb
C \ D
D \ G-B-C
Db\ F-Ab-C-Eb
This is only the first part of the song, before the solo....
and I may have some wrong notes, since I'm using memory. (I corrected the notes.) I'm posting this one because it's easier to write in this format. I'll just post a video of
Black and White. It's actually pretty easy. Most of the song is just melody lines.
My favorite part of this song is the turn-around he uses at 1:09 - 1:19. Once you've learned this song up to 2:24, you know the whole song.