A Heart that Forgives
by Kevin LeVar
Key: G major
*NOTE: This song should be played piano and a lil strings
G,D,G/ D,G,A,B,D,D
Verse 1:
G/D-G-B I want a heart that forgives...
F#/D-F#-A a heart full of love...
E/B-E-G one with compassion just
D/A-D-F# like yours above; one that
C/G-C-E overcomes evil with
B/G-B-D goodness and love... like
A/G-C-E it never
B/G-B-D happened, never
C#/A-C#-E holding a
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# grudge...
Verse 2:
G/D-G-B I want a heart that forgives that
F#/D-F#-A lives and lets live, one that
F/C-F-A keeps loving over and
E/C-E-G over again; one that
C/G-C-E men cant offend because Your
B/G-B-D Word is with in one that
A/G-C-E loves without
B/G-B-D price like You
C#/A-C#-E Lord Jesus
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# Christ...want a
Eb/ Eb-G-C heart that loves every-
D/D-G-B body...even my
C#/C#-E-A enemies wanna
A/G-C-E love like You
B/G-B-D be like You
C#/A-C#-E just like You
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# did want a heart that for-
Piano Solo:
G,D,G/G,G,D,C,B gives...
C,G,C/(D)E, D,C
Verse 3:
G/B-D-G want a heart that forgives, when the
F#/A-D-F# ones that are closest that
F/B-D-G Ive know the longest
E/G-C-E hurt me the most, I
Eb/G-C-Eb still wanna love them just
D/G-A-B-D like You love me , even though Im
C#/A-C#-E hurting
D/A-D-G, A-D-F#
Verse 4:
G/B-D-G I want a heart that forgives, when the
F#/A-D-F# pain is so deep...its
F/C-F-A so hard to speak a-
E/G-C-E bout it to anyone...
C/C-E-G just like Your Son I
B/G-B-D give up my right to
A/G-C-E hold it a-
B/G-B-D gainst them with
C#/A-C#-E hatred in-
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# side wanna
Eb/ Eb-G-C heart that loves every-
B/D-G-B body...even my
C#/C#-E-A enemies...wanna
A/G-C-E love like You
B/G-B-D be like You
C#/A-C#-E just like You
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# did...wanna
A/G-C-E walk like You
B/G-B-D talk like You
C#/A-C#-E just like You
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# did...wanna
A/G-C-E be like You
B/G-B-D live like You
C#/A-C#-E just like You
D/A-D-G, A-D-F# did...cause a
C/G-C-D-E heart that forgives is the
B/G-B-D heart that will live
E/G-B-D totally
F#/G-A-D free from the
G/G-B-D pain of the
C/G-C-D-E past and the
C/G-C-D-E heart that lets go is the
B/G-B-D heart that will know so much
F/C-F-G-A freedom
D/A-D-F# .....Lord, I
B/G-B-D wanna let it go
C/G-C-D-E ...God, I
D/G-B-D need to let it go
Eb/G-C-Eb .... (sustain chord on the last time)