Great responses guys- this is great free entertainment- better than me watching "all the dirt" on tv

LOL, standing in agreement wit ya MsB3.
My mom did a sermon last year titled "God's orchestra" and she used the Transpose example as well. She said "Any musician that has to use transpose can't play." And get this, it was recorded and played live on a radio station for thousands to hear. She even mentioned my name in there, talking about when I was learning to play, my dad told me never to use transpose. It was a really intense message.
Man, please please please publish an audio copy of that sermon!!!

Prayer for MsB3:
Father in the Name of Jesus Christ!
I pray that our sis refrains from the habit of taking everything to the key/(s) of [insert addictive/ problem key/(s)];
I've seen you deliver me from my false fortress, F#, so I know you can do abundantly more than that.
In Your Word you say that if a child asketh for an egg(?) the parent doesn't give them a serpent!
You say we should ask, & it shall be given to us;
My sister has asked- I thank you that you have already given her (yes, all the assistance is available here on LGM & all over), may she receive it by faith and then physically.
Give her the patience to practice a song she considers simple in 1 key, then the next, then the next, then the key she feels most uncomfortable in until she falls in love with that (and all the other keys).
Father I know that it is done. May all glory come to you once her requested has been physically granted.
We ask all this & bring all praise for the fulfillment thereof in Jesus' Mighty Name,
All the brethren that believe say....