Hello All,
Wow, call me crazy, but for a long while I was thinking that a "9th" and "add9" were the same thing. So, when I would play...lets say C,D,E,G
I was always thinking that was a C9....not a Cadd9. I now know that a C9 is C,D,E,G,Bb becuase a C7 add9.
Now, and most importantly, when/how is a 9th (C9) used? Would it be used like a 7th (usually on the 5th tone, I - IV - V9- I) just to make it sound more full?
The add9 just makes a chord sound more....beautiful, or plush. Now what about that 9th?
Anyway, just had a small revealation and thought I would share and get some more insight. Be Blessed LGM