This song is a fairly simple song, you just need to learn the pattern for it. Acts2-38 pointed u in the right direction. I would go through and learn the bass pattern for each part of the song before learning the chords. This is what I hear:
b7 /
b7 /
6 /
5 /
1 /
then the little pentatonic scale run: 1, 2, #2, 3, 5, 6
(repeat 2x)
b7 /
b7 /
6 /
5 /
1 /
3 /
4 /
#4 /
5 /
5 /
Part 1:
b7 / Pass me
6 / not oh gen-
5 / tle
1 / savior,
4 / while on others thou
5 / art
6 / calling,
b7 / do not
6 / pass
5 / me
1 / by,
Run w/both hands: 1, 2, #2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 1, b7, 6, 5, 6
b7 / do not
6 / pass
5 / me
1 / by,
3 /
4 /
#4 /
5 /
5 /
Part 2:
1 / sa-
4 / vior,
1 / hear
6 / my
2 / hum-
2 / ble
5 / cry,
1 / yyy,
1 / yyy,
then it goes back to "while on others..." from Part 1
Part 3:
1 / do not
2, #2, 3 / *passing bass notes
4 / pass me by,
6, #6, 7 / *passing bass notes
(repeat forever and ever)
when u ready to end, go back to "while on others..." from Part 1 and end
Then, once u got the whole thing, figure out what key it's in and put in the notes of that key for the numbers. Then after that, fill in your chords.
It's a very simple process really. I promise that once u lay ur songs out like this, you will see exactly what to play for each part. The only hard part comes in when u try to skip to the end of the process w/out starting at the beginning.
Hopefully that should get you started. If you need more help, I would start with filling in the notes for the numbers using the key of this song, which is C.
C major scale degrees: C=1, D=2, E=3, F=4, G=5, A=6, B=7