Okay, I didn't cry, but it was a good read.
But my "Laylabrain" was taking me all over the place, like why did these parents take over the creative part of the boy's project when part of the assignment was to use his imagination?

(sorry, that's just where my brain took me *shrug*)
But yeah, it blessed me. Especially this: "The Barnes Notes Commentary refers to the meaning of Hebrews 3:4 in this way: "Every family must have a founder; every dispensation an author; every house a builder. There must be someone, therefore, over all dispensations...." And that Someone is God.
The theological definition of the word 'dispensation' means "the divine ordering of the affairs of the world; an appointment, arrangement, or favor, as by God."
God is arranging and re-arranging our lives in accordance with His will. Step-by-step, day-by-day, and with each circumstance we face. He is constructing a dwelling place for His Presence within us.
What comfort it brings to know that in the same way my husband had a clear picture of what he planned to build, God has a holy vision of the divine masterpiece He is building in our lives. Although we may not understand or like the building process, we can trust our Builder and know that He is always looking out for our best."