When I decided not to become part of the music ministry, just sitting down, but being ministered to by whether the preacher, choir members, or the praise team, I wasn't being exposed to all this spiritual warfare I've been getting into ever since I did decide to join anyway. That's when I had realized that Ive' been getting hell! (<--lol! 4 real!)
Now, I have to remind myself that every time I get upon that stage at church to play, I'm always being engaged in spiritual warfare. That is why there's always a conflict going on. Because I've noticed, that anytime you decide to make a decision to become part of the praise team, or choir, or become part of as a musician, or to sing or play for God, your putting yourself to be exposed by the enemy to become a target.
(Who am I talking too up in here... I know I'm not by myself with this.)
The enemy will attack you and he'll use people that aren't really living for the Lord, whether they're on the praise team, choir board, or within the musician group itself, to come against you. He'll even at sometimes have you thinking that it is them, but its not! You have to recognize the real enemy: "Satan". I also learned that this stuff ain't no joke; you cannot play around.
But the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. For the Bible also tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal; but their mighty through God through the pulling down of strong holds, and casting down every imagination and everything thing that exalts itself againgst the knowledge of God.
(Again, who am I talking too up in here...)
When the enemy comes against you, if you are operating in that area for the Lord, Satan and his demonic spirits will come against you. You have to withstand, oppose, and resist him in the Name of Jesus; and tell that devil, "Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus." Anytime you decide to join the choir, praise team, or become part of the musician group, you are being engaged at that very moment, in spiritual warfare, why? Because you have to recognize you have an anointing on you (if you're a child of God) that is on your life; and whether that anointing is on you for to sing or to minister to people, or even an anointing on you to play/minister through music, your being exposed to spiritual warfare. For it's the anointing that destroys the yoke.
The enemy will come against you with depression, oppression, pressurization, even having you fell like you want to give up. You wonder why you see people in the choir who would often come to church just about as often as possible, but they draw back and you see them start missing a lot of rehearsals or even a lot of church Sundays. The enemy comes against you because you've decided to become part of ministering to people with your gift. For, some the enemy have them bound by some type of addiction (<---I think you get the point here!.)
(Who am I talking too up in here... help me Holy Ghost!)
So, before you decide to join, you better think twice; you thinking, "Oh, that would be nice a thing to do - join the music ministry - I think I'll join - it seems fun!" You really don't know what you're really getting into. Now, I'm not saying all this to discourage you, but letting you that once you crossed that line, it's a different story. This thing is serious and you cannot play with it because your being put in a position to be on the front line for the Lord.
God bless!