Okay, I had to bring this back up because I just had a moment... LOL.
I have a church budget meeting tonight, so I've been preparing for it all morning.
At work, I have another termination I'm working on, and the guy has been calling me all day working on how to return his company equipment, transfer phone service, etc... so while I'm talking to him, a client calls asking me who he needs to talk to about xyz problem... so I'm back and forth between the two. Both of them were kinda getting on my nerves, and when I told the client who I was going to put him in touch with, he said, "oh, I don't see his name on the Corporate Management team, he must be in sales or something." I thought he was being snooty, so I was trying to correct him and said, "Yes, he is in sales; he's actually the Vice President and MINISTRY LEADER." The worst part is that I didn't even catch myself. The guy said, "ministry leader??" And I said, "I'm sorry; DEPARTMENT leader. I meant he's the
department leader."