You know can I say this without sounding crazy (which I don't think I can). Now this is totally my OPINION. To me it looks like everyone is out to be the next Donald Trump or something. I mean everytime you turn around someone trying to be rich, trying to be a big CEO. I may get a lot of heat from this but hey this is me. Some of you call drums your heart and passion but wouldn't pick up a stick unless someone offered you 300+. Which is fine if it that's what you want to do. I mean especially drummers in church, what ever happened to sacrifice. Someone people try to put a limit on God..."God I ain't doing this for you unless I get this". We tend to forget that God dosent owe us ANYTHING. I know I'm kind of speaking from a straight christian/gospel side, but this how I am. When you say God is the head of your life you really need to understand what that means, are you trying to please him or yourself?? Is your life about him or YOU?? So I mean to sit here and say everyone is suppose to be some big executive or very wealthy, and have all this kind of money is kind of ludacris to me. Whether I (just using me for example so no one gets hurt) make money on tour or at my hospital job now, I still have to pay for medical & dental insurance. My 401k still gets subtracted from me gross pay. Taxes still get deducted. So what's the difference some people even I couldn't make it off of 25,000 a year, but guess what some people believe it or not can. I see it everyday and it blows my mind!! If anything I wanna know how the heck they can do that. Its understandable when you're at 75,000-150,000 a year but 25,000 tell me how the heck you manage that. I mean it dosent take wisdom to live off 150,000, it takes wisdom to live off 25,000-30,000. I mean this may be over a lot of peoples head, but hey this is me. I mean if Chris Kee or whoever can live off of making 30,000-40,000 a year then let the man do what he desires. If there are people on LGM that can do the same them be. I know for a fact I can't....I have a wife and 4 kids. Now for me I know 75,000 a year would be just fine, so why would I shoot for 150,000-200,000 to me that's greed. I'm not going to set unecessary goals for myself. I mean if I get it I get it, but I'm not going to be depressed if I dont, and consider myself unsuccesful. Success is based on your ability to achieve your goals which you have set. I know unsuccesful millionaires who fail just because they didn't have goals or couldn't achieve the ones they put in place. Money does not=success it may = wealth, but definately not success. Sometimes we tend to forget that our reward is not here on earth, when we die everthing we've accumulated on earth is going to be stripped from us, now when that happens what you got then?? It's crazy how prosperity gets twisted. Anyways all in all if you want to be a CEO of your own company set goals for yourself, become knowledgable on what it takes to achieve those goals, hang around the folks that have had success in achieving the same goals. If you want to be a full time musician I say the same thing...set goals for yourself, gain knowledge, hang around successful people, and sometimes like Gerald said in the other post just read. Pick up a book, do research. Wikipedia can be your best friend. Both truthfully most people fail because they don't set goals for themselves, or they set goals but are to lazy in pressing their way forward to achieve them.......Alright, ima shut my mouth for the rest of the thread (I think).