I think the main problem was switching it to a Saturday night. Most people who would watch it are gigging or just not home on a saturday night
The switch to Saturday night was a main problem for Diddy but, it was a great solution for MTV. There is just no way this show could compete with Monday Night Football.
I honestly dont even understand why most of you found this show interesting. You say you hate it but, you were watching every episode religiously lol.
Why does it matter who plays for Diddy? Truth is, it doesn't take much skill to play loops. Truth is, you play more challenging music in church. Truth is, most of you make more money on sunday than the musicians on that show. Truth is, that tour will not pay good. Why? Because Diddy doesn't have to pay good. His name is big enough to draw anxious, un-educated and "hype" addicted musicians who are happy as long as everyone "thinks" they are living a great road life, and everyone "thinks" they're getting paid a lot of money.
And why does everyone assume that these musicians are making so much money? Why, because Diddy has money? Because Jay Z has money? Here is your wake-up call. McDonald's is a multi-billion dollar company. Need I say more? I think I do. McDonald's employees come and go like tour musicians and their salaries are not too far apart. Actually, you are better off working at McDonald's because at least your job has stability and you're able to get some form of medical and dental benefits. The musicians who made the band are at home right now, waiting on a tour that doesn't start till next year. There will be so much time in-between, that you may not even see that band at all. It could be an entirley different band. Why? Because no one cares anyway. No one buys a diddy ticket for band members that you cant even see on stage lol.
These are just my efforts to get you guys to see the big picture before you step out there. This is a small community of gospel drummers who seem to be focused on all the wrong aspects of the music game. Your actual skill level on your instrument is the fun and easy part. Making a profitable name for yourself is the hard part. Making your own band. Making your own cd, dvd, tour...becoming the artist.
Peace and Love,