I wanted to get some opinions on this issue:
Ever since I officially became lead musician at my church in 2005 we have had issues of structure. We do not have a clear set of defined roles and we lack structure seriously. We tried to set some things in place but it kind of fell apart.
Recently I have taken a more laizze-faire (however it's spelled...lol)approcah because I was born and raised in this church and my pastor told me basically to go with the flow as far as song selection and stuff like that because the majority of choirs are filled with people who I was born and raised with.
I've also gotten to a point where I'm tired of sitting in church arguing over petty stuff in music ministry and because pastor has not officially declared me over the music ministry I basically let the choir presidents do the songs the way they want and talk about my issues if I have any.
Now some of the choirs are wanting to form their own bylaws. Personally I support a music handbook that covers every choir and sets guidelines for the music ministry as a whole.
Do you support individual choir bylaws or a music handbook covering entire music ministry?