Learning progressions and songs are great, but what do you do when someone calls out the chord name and you haven't a clue
. This has not happen yet, however I do realize if it did I wouldn't know exactly what to play:(.
So what I want to do now is learn to recognize chords by name and not just spelled out. Here's a simple progression let me know if I got the chord names correct.
C/G-Bb-C-Eb (Cm7)
F/F-A-C-Eb (F7)
Bb/F-A-Bb-D (BbMaj7)
Eb/Eb-G-Bb-D (EbMaj7)
A/E-G-A-C (Am7)
D/D-Gb-A-C (D7)
G/D-G-Bb-D (Gm)