Saints, it was great!
It began at Friday's concert which I thoroughly enjoyed. The bands were hot, and I can't get the image of Lacresia Campbell straight KILLING her song out of my head. It ended on a nice praise break that almost made me bust out into a dance right in Motheroo's face.

It was so great seeing Rue! It was like uniting with a long lost family member

She was hilarious! Had me cracking up during the entire concert

. I was equally excited when I got the message requesting me to play for the pastor she works with on Sunday. Two chances to hang with Motheroo in one weekend!?! Almost thought it was my birthday

I admit to being a bit nervous about playing for a Pentecostal/Apostolic/Sanctified/Charismatic-type church, as it's a totally different style than what I'm used to at most of the services I play for in the area, but it turned out great! I didn't know my family was going to be tagging along for the ride, but they hopped on along and got a chance to meet Motheroo as well. They really enjoyed themselves. The pastor brought a great word on humility, and the drummer, who was a female BTW (I know there was a convo about female drummers) was TIGHT! She was right there with me no matter which direction I decided to take the music (and I surely did some experimenting). It reminded me of Nessa

. I was surprised yet quite excited by the permanent offer, and hopefully, if it's God's will, we can make it happen.
All in all, great weekend!!!