Ok now I'm not old school. At least I don't think I am. I like all the shouts that everybody is doing. But it just seems like the bar just keeps getting raised for who can come up with the newest and best sounding shout music. I went to this one church and it sounded like they were up there playing African Circus music. It was just way too much noise and way too much snare going on. I couldn't understand how people were shouting to this.
Personally I like to start out the traditional way, and then branch it off some from there, throwing in some Tye, Ricky Dillard, etc. But nowadays it seems like the traditional way is getting thrown out the window and they are just going straight into thier own thing. I just can't get into the spirit when I hear chops repeatedly in shouting music. Its almost like its a contest to see how long somebody can play over the bar and come back in on the one.
I love it when people are just flowing from the heart in any type of setting. But I feel alot of this is not from the heart, its from musicians seeing cameras to the left and right and trying to figure out how they can impress people on youtube.
Am I just oldschool on this one?