Perhaps i should explain what i was doing here and this why show why theory is just great! Plus i don't like seeing chords posted with no names and no idea why they work so i can apply it later.
Try this one i use. DD please give your advice on where to take this.
A C# E F#/ B- A major 6/9
B D# F# G#/ C#- B major 6/9
Ab C Eb G/ Bb- A flat major 9
Step 1 Original Progression: E major 7
Gb major 7
Ab major 7
this is a very common and effective worship progression that i use all the time when i don't have any ideas.
Now this is fine, but what about adding some flavor to this and introducing a different mood? More mellow maybe?
Step 2- New Progression:Db minor 7 (also C# minor 7)- a substitute for E major
Eb minor 7 (also D# minor 7)- a substitute for Gb major
Ab major 7 (also G3 major 7)
Why does this work? Because the C# minor 7 is the 6 chord of E major and the D# minor is the 6 of Gb. You can substitute the I chord for the VI chord.
Step 3-New Progression:A major 7- a substitute for Db minor 7, which is the III chord of A major scale
B major 7- a substitute for Eb minor 7, which is the III chord of B major scale.
Ab major 7
Interesting huh?