While doing a search I found that agpraise my be ready to come back. What I found was a company under his real name called listen to learn music, which just happens to be the same name as a new member on here and play and his member page has the same logo as the company.If this is true I can't wait for his return.
I missed him, too...but understand him going commercial.
You mean, like Christmas?
When I began charging on my website, I kept all of my free stuff on the net. I still continue to post free videos. When you give to the Gospel internet community, don't take away what you have already given.
What's your current website? I also would like to apologize for letting the cat out the bag if you were not ready.However would like to say you are truely missed on the gospel internet community.
Any way that you can show clips, in the format you're selling, for your various items? This way, a person can see if the item you're offering will help them. Just a thought. Thanks for all you do.
I think you guys are confusing two different people.Unless it's me that's confused. I don't think "agpraise" is "ltljake". Jake has always posted his videos on his site "hnsmusic.org", with preview clips on YouTube. AGPraise's setup looked different than the setup in Jake's clips.Correct me if I'm wrong.
From my standpoint, you're incorrect in that I'm not really talking about the person's persona. I was merely giving some marketing advice to "ltljake".