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Author Topic: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord  (Read 2778 times)

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The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:34:47 PM »
I know this is chord used in Gosepl music alot.  I am a beginner and I am just wondering what is the theory behind these 13 chords.  Like Ab13 and Eb13.  I need to know the theoryy behind it.

ALso those sharp 9 sharp 5 chords.  What's the theory behidn it all. 

Thanks for the help.

Offline T-Block

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 06:16:51 PM »
O.K., anytime u see a chord name with a number, that number is the scale degree that has been added to the chord.  So, an Ab13 is an Ab dom.7 chord with the 13th scale degree added.  Here's a quick crash course in scale degrees using the key of C:


Once u reach this point u think it stops right?  Wrong, it keeps going:


So, now that we know what the scale degrees are, now u need to know the basic chords:

major = 1-3-5
minor = 1-b3-5
diminished = 1-b3-b5
augmented = 1-3-#5
major 7th = 1-3-5-7
minor 7th = 1-b3-5-b7
dominant 7th = 1-3-5-b7

Those 7 chords are what I call the "foundation chords" because they are the basis for every other chord you will ever encounter.  Any kind of altered chord starts with one of those 7 up there.

Now, when u get into 9ths, 11lths, 13ths, #5/b9, etc. chords all u gotta do is add the appropriate scale degree to one of those 7 "foundation" chords".  So, an Ab13 chord starts with a dom. 7 chord, then the 13th scale degree is added:

Ab13 = Ab-C-(Eb)-Gb-(Bb)-(Db)-F or simply Ab-C-Gb-F

Those notes in parenthesis represent notes that are optional.  That means u can play them if u want, but they are not necessary for your chord.
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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2008, 06:20:56 PM »
Oh yeah, dealing with the #5/#9 type chords, all that means is to take the scale degree and alter it.  So, in this chord the 5 would be sharped, or raised 1/2 step and so would the 9th.  Example:

C7 #5/#9 = C-E-G#-Bb-D#

The 5th in this chord is G, so it has a sharp beside it.  The 9th in this chord is D, so it also has a sharp beside it.  It's that simple!
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2008, 09:37:02 PM »

Offline Fenix

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 11:08:48 PM »

Yeah T-Block is aight...i taught him everything i know.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2008, 07:20:28 AM »
I know this is chord used in Gosepl music alot.  I am a beginner and I am just wondering what is the theory behind these 13 chords.  Like Ab13 and Eb13.  I need to know the theoryy behind it.

ALso those sharp 9 sharp 5 chords.  What's the theory behidn it all. 

Thanks for the help.

I'm doing a youtube video on those chords soon.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2008, 09:06:21 AM »
I'm doing a youtube video on those chords soon.

Please do.  That would be really helpful. 

Could you do some examples in a few songs.  Some people just give you the chords and don't show you how to use them.  Take like 3 songs and show how to use them when and where.  But play the song through or at least up to the chord itself.  I know beggars can't be chosey like grandma use to say. LOL!

Use one or two common songs please?????? 

Plus your nasty on the keys anyways.  I can't wait to see this one. 

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2008, 12:28:11 PM »
Please do.  That would be really helpful. 

Could you do some examples in a few songs.  Some people just give you the chords and don't show you how to use them.  Take like 3 songs and show how to use them when and where.  But play the song through or at least up to the chord itself.  I know beggars can't be chosey like grandma use to say. LOL!

Use one or two common songs please?????? 

Plus your nasty on the keys anyways.  I can't wait to see this one. 

I will use very common songs.  A lot of passages that people struggle to figure out are using these types of chords.  I wouldn't just teach theory without showing where to put them or where the chords are in other songs.

Thanks a lot.  To God be the glory.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2008, 03:14:14 PM »
I will use very common songs.  A lot of passages that people struggle to figure out are using these types of chords.  I wouldn't just teach theory without showing where to put them or where the chords are in other songs.

Thanks a lot.  To God be the glory.

yeah because your videos are always helpful.  WHat kind of board is that black one you play on all the time?  Is that a MKS.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2008, 04:45:08 PM »
I use 13th chords only on the V. It is such a great ending chord.
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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2008, 06:54:08 PM »
I use 13th chords only on the V. It is such a great ending chord.

They can also be used on the I... for example they can be used to take you to the IV (which in my case would probably be a major ninth chord or a dominant 9th) ... or as a resolution when an altered chord is used on the V

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2008, 08:22:41 PM »
yeah because your videos are always helpful.  WHat kind of board is that black one you play on all the time?  Is that a MKS.

I play on a yamaha S90ES and I use it midi'd to a roland mks-20 sound module.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2008, 07:23:25 AM »
They can also be used on the I... for example they can be used to take you to the IV (which in my case would probably be a major ninth chord or a dominant 9th) ... or as a resolution when an altered chord is used on the V

Why limit yourself

a thirteenth chord can be played on just about any scale degree
bearing in mind you take care of the melody

for example the sixth degree of the scale takes a thirteenth very well
but usually a b13

but you can play a regular one as well

the two chord can often be given a thirteen especially when you are setting up the V

and please the III chord can take all sorts of treatments including a thirteenth of course normally I use a minor here or a augmented 7th
but a 13th sounds good on many occasions

the four can take a thirteen when you want that bluesey edge

of course the V chord

so we have covered all the chords

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2008, 12:12:16 PM »
I play on a yamaha S90ES and I use it midi'd to a roland mks-20 sound module.

Oh the wonderful MKS 20.  I have to get a mks 20 rack.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2008, 12:22:21 PM »
Oh the wonderful MKS 20.  I have to get a mks 20 rack.

Yes you do.  User Jap250 on here is selling one for $350.  He's in Cali.  I think the bay area.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2008, 02:02:54 PM »
Yes you do.  User Jap250 on here is selling one for $350.  He's in Cali.  I think the bay area.

Thanks.  I will try to find him. 

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2008, 02:22:08 PM »
well i'm trying to voice the major13 and a minor13 but still it won't sound as ritch, like when i play the dominant13.

can someone please help me with a example how to voice the maj13 & min13

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2008, 06:27:25 PM »
I figured out how to make it even simpler.  An Ab13 or any 13 chord is the major chord of the chord your trying to create the 13th on and a Major 7th of the note 1 whole step before it.

I don't know but it makes it easier for me.  So an Ab13 is a Ab ont eh bass and a F#Major7th on the right.  OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH baby I love theory.  Theory just makes feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.  I feel like speaking in tongues.  Shondo.  T-Block your awesome man.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2008, 10:40:10 PM »
I figured out how to make it even simpler.  An Ab13 or any 13 chord is the major chord of the chord your trying to create the 13th on and a Major 7th of the note 1 whole step before it.

I don't know but it makes it easier for me.  So an Ab13 is a Ab ont eh bass and a F#Major7th on the right.  OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH baby I love theory.  Theory just makes feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside.  I feel like speaking in tongues.  Shondo.  T-Block your awesome man.

Yep that is right. This is how i don't bother about cramming chord shapes cuz i just learn shortcuts like these.

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Re: The Theory Behind the 13th Chord
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2008, 09:21:02 AM »
Someone touched on this earlier but....I cant seem to fit a maj13th chord in my play. Now the dom 13th chord i have no problem with...so if anyone can give some advice on where to play a maj 13th or maj 11th wouyld be great. I have the Kirk franklin Hero song book, by the way which is great, he plays a tons of maj 13th and maj 11th chords. thanks Family
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