VERY EXCITED about the meeting I had over the weekend and confirmation conversation just now. I'm amazed by how important connections are, how strategic God is, everything I've gotten from LGM (and I'm not even a musician.... I mean, really!!!!), and all the wonderful people He's connected me to.
To make a long story short, you all know I'm preparing to apply to PhD programs, which, in my field are very competitive (2-3% acceptance rate... also known as 97-98% rejection rate. LOL). One of the goals I have, in order to give me a boost on my applications, is to be published. In order to be published, I have to do an original research project. This is probably one of the biggest things I've ever done in my life, and trying to decide what approach to take was difficult. After the thread last week on homosexuality, I decided to research that subject.
Over the weekend, I met with my friend to share my idea and ask if she thought it would be a good idea. In short, I'm going to study 500 non-heterosexuals to determine the impact that their sexuality had/has on their religious beliefs and/or relationship with God. She was SO EXCITED about it that she agreed to sponsor my project, AND put her name on it (she's a Dr, so that will lend credibility to the study). Within an hour, we had laid out the entire framework for the study. She called it "groundbreaking" research, and even called a homosexual colleague of hers who is also a PhD, and agreed to help.
It just amazes me that everything I need is right in front of me. Simply amazing.