There are a lot of things that BBs don't do that other phones do, and some things that BB does, but other phones do much better.
I've had BBs for many years (even before they became popular among leisure users), and this one, when it dies, will be my last. I've never replaced a phone just because I want a new one. I only get new phones when the current one dies or gets too sick to deal with. When I'm done with this BB, I won't be getting another one.
As far as issues, I've only had two: one was my fault (though it wouldn't have happened on certain other phones) - I had to erase a lot of text msgs, pictures and videos bc I was using too much space. Didn't have a lot to begin with, so I was surprised that was the problem, but when I erased everything it got better. Second issue was it started typing random letters or not typing the letters I tried to type. T-Mobile replaced it and no real problems since.
Other phones are just a lot faster.