LOL!!! And... I had another crazy dream last night. Didn't involve LGM, but it's the second time in recent weeks that I've had a dream that includes a song. It was about some acquaintances, a pretty talented family, and they were debuting a play or something and one of the cousins couldn't show to sing the opening hit song, so another cousin was practicing to sing it... the song was sung over and over and over... but when I woke up, I could remember the melody, but not the words. Now I don't even remember the melody.
Oh yeah, and the two sisters that were featured in the dream... in reality they are late teens, early twenties, and some times in the dream they looked like themselves, but at other times they had fatter faces and greyish hair... they didn't really look aged, just not like themselves. I commented how they both remind me of their mother (who also 'looks' about twenty something), and then their appearances changes...
SMH... anyway... I guess I have seasons of dreaming, and then seasons where I don't dream at all.