What a couple of weeks it has been...
I had to let an employee go for the first time last week
A couple from our church was in a motorcycle accident with both of them suffering several broken bones. The wife had to have two surgeries, one to replace a shoulder that was shattered, and the other to reconstruct the other shoulder that was broken in three places. Not to mention a broken arm and rib... I was blessed to visit them in the hospital and share a word of prayer, I was so encouraged and grateful. We could have been planning a funeral... or two... God is good.
My favorite employee (I guess I shouldn't have favorites, but I love this guy!) called me this morning, he's taking his wife to the ER, he thinks she's miscarrying. They've been trying to have a baby for a while now... such a beautiful young couple, I just pray that God carries them through, whatever his plan is.
Lots of other stuff I won't bore you with, but God is very good to me!