Gee, I'm not that bad yet. But dang I'm hungry! I'm trying to hold out. It seems every night I give in and eat something. Last night, it was Pop Tarts (Cookies-n-Cream...Yum!) I normally don't even like Pop Tarts, but I was hungry!
It's because you're not supposed to be awake late at night.
That's why they call the meal you eat in the morning "break fast"
Just got back from an interview. I got the job. God is good!
For crying out loud, is there nothing people won't do to sell stuff? There was an energy drink I saw in the grocery store called "p***y". It was all pink and glittery. I mean, seriously! Isn't there a standard for names of products. I would never drink that.
This post is a gold mine. Unfortunately every last one of my potential responses would put me at risk for the Ban Hammer.
Did you know that plants actually communicate with each other through sound? They're more "alive" than we thought
Cool! Care to share a few tidbits?On another note: "You're not a vegetarian because you love animals. You're a vegetarian because you HATE PLANTS!" - WhatYouOughtToKnow.comLOL