It amazes me that someone who is so successful at helping other people make good decisions can make such bad decisions for his/herself.
I laughed at how you labeled this one #random, but the previous one was... not?
So today was a busy day and I ended up having a loooooong rehearsal. Our jurisdictional AIM convention is next week, so we had musician's rehearsal and praise team rehearsal right after that. God just really blessed. During the rehearsal I could see my growth, which I couldn't always say. I was playing with a more experience keyboard player, he's from a sister church and speaks very little english, but he love gospel music and can learn any song you throw at him perfectly in about 24 - 48 hrs. Dude is a beast.
So anyway, I was on the organ while he was on the keys, and at several points in the session I recognized that I was doing stuff that I couldn't do before, or had great difficulty doing. On one song, I had modified the key at our local church because it starts in E flat, and I couldn't really play it in E when the song goes up a half step, so I started it in Db and went up a whole step, skipping D because I don't play well in that key, either. Well, the guy on the keys can change keys like it's nothing so he started in the right key and went up to E and then F. I fumbled for a sec at E, but broke down what I did in the previous key by numbers (i.e. I play the 1st in 2nd position and then the 4th and then the 5th), I did this all in my head and before they finished the chorus in E I had it down. When we went to F, the guy on keys, was fumbling for a minute, and I got it down before he did!
I was so stoked! I praise God for what he's doing because for so long I just felt so stagnant. Not only that, but this morning when I was preparing, I was able to listen to two of the songs, catch the bass line, and figure out the rest from there! I'm really praising God, y'all. He is answering my prayers!