Youre right. Homosexuality is a state of mind. But you dont make the choice to be attracted to male or female. It happens naturally. Sometimes a human being is born with the same sex attraction. I honestly cant tell you why I like big booty light skinned chicks and my cousin likes dark skinned chicks with long hair. Nobody told me what to like. I just started liking whatever I like. lol This is so funny. I think you should take 30 minutes out of your schedual to interview a gay person. Most will tell you they've always been that way. Im not speaking for the one's who make that choice later on in life just to defy society or God and his biblical will.
Have some little evidence that gives more insight against the theory people are boarn gay...
This discussion really first began in 1993 when Science, a respected research journal, published a study by Dean Hamer that ignited a “Born Gay” myth that later exploded into a firestorm. Hamer claimed that Science was “on the verge of proving that homosexuality is innate, genetic and, therefore, unchangeable–a normal variant of human nature.”
In actuality, though, no such discovery had been made. In fact, Mr. Hamer himself (also a gay-identified man) later responded, “environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay…I don’t think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay.”
The Scripture helps us to understand God’s position on the matter, and gives us some insight into the heart and mind of God as it relates to this destructive behavior. The Apostle Paul in writing to the Church at Rome made a powerful statement concerning the “Wrath of God” being poured out against all “unrighteousness and ungodliness .”
He writes in Romans 1:26-27: “For this cause God gave them up into vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.”
From these two verses we learn a great deal. We see that homosexuality is against nature for mankind. If gay people are born gay, why would God tell us it is against nature?
God said being homosexual is against nature because not one single person ever was or ever will be born gay! It is a lifestyle that people have chosen and it is a sin!
Let me state once more just in case you didn’t read it right: All human beings are born sinners, have a sin nature, separated from God, and have the propensity to commit all kinds of sinful acts! In either case, God still holds mankind responsible for their actions and will someday judge people according to His holy standard of righteousness.
Every person born into this world has the responsibility to recognize his sinful and lost condition before a holy God, repent of his sin, and receive God’s free gift of eternal life through His dear Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ!
this is from