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Author Topic: PROP 8  (Read 31971 times)

Offline dude-on-drums

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #60 on: November 10, 2008, 10:45:16 AM »
Dude, you have killed me this entire page.  :D :D

Also, I'd like to argue that child molestation doesn't MAKE someone turn gay. Can lil' Dante be molested by a female and suddenly he no longer wants to stop wearing his mothers slippers and night gown? Will your niece that loves playing football and watching wrestling more than you do suddenly want to play with Barbie dolls and wear pink dresses because she was repeatedly molested by a man? I think this all goes back to the belief that homosexuality is a contagious disease. As far as I'm concerned, if it's in you, it's in you.

Heck, who are we kidding, their are some people that LOOK gay, and I'm talking about in terms of physical features and not the way they choose to dress.. Their weren't enough push-ups and beatings in the world to change them. I've seen people like that all my life, and they ALWAYS grew up to be what I thought they LOOKED like. But, whatever ... I'm not a scientist, but I'm not really a fan of that 'He/she got turned out when she/he was a child!" jive.

Maybe they should have Benny Hinn blow on them, or wave his jacket in their direction.

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Exactly!  I gotta agree on the child molestation issue.  I mean, I think its just their way of justifying what they are.  If its in them, its in them and thats that.  Benny Hinn...what a joke lol!!!   :D


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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #61 on: November 10, 2008, 10:47:52 AM »
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Exactly!  I gotta agree on the child molestation issue.  I mean, I think its just their way of justifying what they are.  If its in them, its in them and thats that.  Benny Hinn...what a joke lol!!!   :D

...oh, umm .... about the rounded buttocked women with the even complexions...

...you wouldn't happen to know any with MySpace pages?  ;D


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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #62 on: November 10, 2008, 10:49:41 AM »
Are edit buttons still 100 bucks?

I see too many mistakes I've made in spelling and otherwise, and I can't do anything about them.  >:(

Offline dude-on-drums

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #63 on: November 10, 2008, 10:51:23 AM »
...oh, umm .... about the rounded buttocked women with the even complexions...

...you wouldn't happen to know any with MySpace pages?  ;D

Oh yeah main but shhhhhhh  :-X ...***there's a certain rounded buttocked woman who shouldnt know who I know***   ;D

Offline Boopey

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #64 on: November 10, 2008, 11:14:06 AM »
This is on point. As someone mentioned we are born in sin(do you know how hard it is to do the right thing in life especially when it is not the popular thing,you will be called weird,stuck-up,conceited,etc...)When a young man/woman behaves in a manner other than that which goes with there physical they tend to let SOCIETY dictate to them WHO and WHAT they are, then they say to themselves "hey I must be everyone keeps telling me I this and that" and we as society throw them into a box and so the only people they are comfotable being around are the other people thrown into the same category and then begans a life that is hard to come out of.
**I know that little girls like football and wrestling doesn't make it gay. However, society usually attributes overt femininity in males and overt masculinity in females to homosexuality. While their are people that defy this stereotype, from my experience, their aren't many.

Offline tko05

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2008, 11:17:37 AM »
Yo this is very true tkoO5 but irrelevant to the fact that lying, greed, and selfishness are not birth defects.  Im classifying homosexuality as a birth defect or like you said, in some cases, the alteration of a childs mind at an early age where they cant defend against it.  They are stuck and there is no deliverence from it.  None.  Ive never seen someone born with 3 fingers and by the touch of God, they now have 5.  You get what Im saying?  Im putting homosexuality in the same boat. 

This is where we disagree bro. I don't think God would make it a sin to be homosexual and go so far as to call it an abomination and then turn around and alow somone to unwillingly be born a homosexual. The bible never states being retarded or deformed as being sin they were however, not allowed to worship in the temple under the law (which Jesus set us free from).

Read Romans 1:18-32 especially verses 26 and 27. i believe this is why people tur to homosexuality.
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Offline apostoliczak

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #66 on: November 10, 2008, 11:37:19 AM »
Thank u tko! That's what I been trying to say! And I personally have met a person who was once retarded and now isn't. She is an art teacher at the Frazer Center in the Atl. The Frazer Center is a day facility for developmentally (ppl born with the condition) disabled children and adults. She was once a patient there but through the years she got better and better and finally they hired her on as an art teacher.
Now for the subject on homosexual deliverance, YOU can be set free from that bondage. I was once like that and it took a couple years of serious fasting and praying to get rid of that and I am a true believer that God is able. Homosexuality and mental retardation/physical deformities DO NOT go in the same boat. There isn't even common ground with them. 
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Offline dude-on-drums

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #67 on: November 10, 2008, 11:40:15 AM »
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Offline Boopey

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2008, 11:45:15 AM »
People the only thing you can be born as is MAN/WOMAN this is how doctors, the very doctors that make a boatload of cash delivering babies, determine what? YOUR SEX! NOT YOUR SEXUAL PREFERANCE! they take one look maybe 2 if you are still in womb I believe it is called a ULTRASOUND? the doctor says "Mr. and Mrs. such and such you are having a beautiful baby boy/girl. I doubt if they say " BUT HEY YOU KNOW YOUR BABY IS GAY/BISEXUAL/TRANSGENDER etc.../SEX FIEND/CHILD MOLESTER/PEDOPHILE/PRIEST/CHRISTIAN/SAINT/CUM FREAK/DOCTOR/LAWYER/CAR SALESMAN/COMPUTER TECHNICIAN/MECHANIC/BARBER/BEAUTICIAN/ORGAN,KEYBOARD PLAYER/BASS PLAYER/DRUMMER. The person in question gets to make what GOD gave us all "A CHOICE". I may sound a little facetious, however you decide the GIFT or the CURSE.

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2008, 11:55:08 AM »
I believe that Homosex. is a spirit of deception. As little boys we are raised not to show feelings or express love for other men but to be manly, strong, squared jaw(in a hetero sexual way) I believe that the spirit of homosexuality plants the seed starting from then in a mans life leading him to lust then to the act. think about it! If a child is sexually abused its a traumatic state in which a homosexual seed can be planted into the spirit of that child. Trauma can open you spiritually, so can drugs. The spirit of lust as most of us know is a hard one to break now imagine having to deal with homosexuality on top of it.

As for gays getting married, well their not Christans and have the right to do whatever they want, Im not going to stop them...Im going to love them! And maybe through me showing them Christs love they will come to christ and change their ways. Why stop them, they might be married under the laws of man but under the laws of Christ its not seen.
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Offline lockslie1

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #70 on: November 10, 2008, 12:13:55 PM »
Homosexuality(including all other sins) is a choice and a sin that a person chooses to do out of their own lusts. There are reasons during a persons live that may cause them to develop certain types of lust and addictions(homosexuality,pornography, molestation...etc) and things like that, but you certainly aren't born as a homosexual. That's why it is important to have the Holy Spirit, because the Word says you must bring all thoughts under the subjection of the Holy Spirit that will help you and lead you. If you want to live right then the Holy Spirit is there to help you do that.

Read 1 James 1:12-15 which clears that up. For someone to be born homosexual that would mean that the temptation sometype of way came from God which is 100% wrong according to the Word. God does not tempt man, but man is drawn away of his own lust. Once lust is conceived(verse 15) which means something has to occur post-birth(seed planted) in someones life to effect them and cause them to feel that way and then the sin(action) comes forth and death(consequence) after that. That clearly shows us that there is a path to destruction and there is a path to righteousness.... you do have a choice.

Offline dude-on-drums

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #71 on: November 10, 2008, 12:59:44 PM »
Homosexuality(including all other sins) is a choice and a sin that a person chooses to do out of their own lusts. There are reasons during a persons live that may cause them to develop certain types of lust and addictions(homosexuality,pornography, molestation...etc) and things like that, but you certainly aren't born as a homosexual. That's why it is important to have the Holy Spirit, because the Word says you must bring all thoughts under the subjection of the Holy Spirit that will help you and lead you. If you want to live right then the Holy Spirit is there to help you do that.

Read 1 James 1:12-15 which clears that up. For someone to be born homosexual that would mean that the temptation sometype of way came from God which is 100% wrong according to the Word. God does not tempt man, but man is drawn away of his own lust. Once lust is conceived(verse 15) which means something has to occur post-birth(seed planted) in someones life to effect them and cause them to feel that way and then the sin(action) comes forth and death(consequence) after that. That clearly shows us that there is a path to destruction and there is a path to righteousness.... you do have a choice.

So youre saying that homosexuality doesnt come from God?  Wow.  Do you not understand who God is?  There is only one creator of all things.  Do you not understand that God is both good and evil?

"Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?" [Lam 3:38]

"I form light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I the LORD, do all these things." [Is 45:7]

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #72 on: November 10, 2008, 01:19:50 PM »

So youre saying that homosexuality doesnt come from God?  Wow.  Do you not understand who God is?  There is only one creator of all things.  Do you not understand that God is both good and evil?

"Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?" [Lam 3:38]

"I form light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I the LORD, do all these things." [Is 45:7]

I think that God allows horrible things. he created the devil that doesnt mean that God is evil!

God created and the devil perverted things. i.e. SEX! God made sex but the devil perveted it into homosexuality, prostitution, sex before marriage etc.

i dont think that God is evil tho he just allowed those things to come...

Offline apostoliczak

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2008, 01:46:23 PM »
Why would God create something and then go back on His Word and say that that action was an abomination? The Bible states that He'd exalt his Word above His Name!!!
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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2008, 01:47:43 PM »

So youre saying that homosexuality doesnt come from God?  Wow.  Do you not understand who God is?  There is only one creator of all things.  Do you not understand that God is both good and evil?

"Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?" [Lam 3:38]

"I form light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I the LORD, do all these things." [Is 45:7]

James 1

13Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

God does not set traps for people and play games. You are basically saying that God said let me make homosexuality and allow man to fall into it so they don't make it into heaven.

So you are telling me God puts homosexuality in mens minds and tempts them to do it even though the scripture just said he doesn't do that? This comes down to choices, not who made what and who didn't. It comes down to are you being obedient to what God is requiring. Sin is the trap Satan has set and Jesus has come to get us out of it if we let him.

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #75 on: November 10, 2008, 03:16:48 PM »
So you're telling me you don't believe that God can do anything? Umm. Somebody needs to read their bible and quit trusting on their own understanding. I see a whole lot of "well I believe this" and I think this" and not enough "the word of God states!" My God is able to do anything and everything. So quit limiting God.

Bro you need to read your bible and learn about self-righteousness and pride with your 200 posts.

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #76 on: November 10, 2008, 03:33:32 PM »
hey i am just calling it like i see it. i don't need over a thousand posts to state the truth. psalms 3:5. i even have to look up scripture to validate my statements.
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Offline dude-on-drums

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #77 on: November 10, 2008, 03:56:33 PM »
hey i am just calling it like i see it. i don't need over a thousand posts to state the truth. psalms 3:5. i even have to look up scripture to validate my statements.

Wow you're very cocky.

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #78 on: November 10, 2008, 04:04:32 PM »
hey i am just calling it like i see it. i don't need over a thousand posts to state the truth. psalms 3:5. i even have to look up scripture to validate my statements.

Wow you're very cocky.

Use the people to validate your pride as well. All your labor is in vein if it's done in pride, even lifting your fingers to find the scriptures. We're calling it like we see it too, in brotherly love.

If you want to grow in Christ and get on the road to humility, I recommend the book "Humility" by C.J. Mahaney.

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Re: PROP 8
« Reply #79 on: November 10, 2008, 04:12:06 PM »
Use the people to validate your pride as well. All your labor is in vein if it's done in pride, even lifting your fingers to find the scriptures. We're calling it like we see it too, in brotherly love.

If you want to grow in Christ and get on the road to humility, I recommend the book "Humility" by C.J. Mahaney.

Yeah Apostoliczak.  And I recommend a book called "The Christian Road To 300 Posts" by Hue Mill Eddy.
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