I believe that Homosex. is a spirit of deception. As little boys we are raised not to show feelings or express love for other men but to be manly, strong, squared jaw(in a hetero sexual way) I believe that the spirit of homosexuality plants the seed starting from then in a mans life leading him to lust then to the act. think about it! If a child is sexually abused its a traumatic state in which a homosexual seed can be planted into the spirit of that child. Trauma can open you spiritually, so can drugs. The spirit of lust as most of us know is a hard one to break now imagine having to deal with homosexuality on top of it.
As for gays getting married, well their not Christans and have the right to do whatever they want, Im not going to stop them...Im going to love them! And maybe through me showing them Christs love they will come to christ and change their ways. Why stop them, they might be married under the laws of man but under the laws of Christ its not seen.