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Author Topic: Talk Music (the melody)  (Read 2845 times)

Offline Mrandrew

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Talk Music (the melody)
« on: November 14, 2008, 06:48:56 AM »
I understand the concept and can come with very nice chords and progressions, however just the chords have emptiness to them. For those of you who have mastered the art of talk music I tip my hat to you.

I know talk music has been discussed before, but for the most part it's only been about the chords and progressions which I have down. Please explain how to come up with the melody, I know it's suppose to be like having your keyboard talk or talking back as the pastor or whoever is talking, but I still have trouble coming up with the nice melodies.

Here's an example of someone explaining what's lacking in what I'm doing.

Any other help would definitely be appreciated. This is one form of playing I what to master.

Offline jjjoe

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 10:13:37 AM »
that is tight. Normally, what you can do is appegio the chords in the progression. for ex

if you are doing a 7-3-6 you can appegio the chord off the the 3 to the 6. Also you can do, depends on the style, run the blues scale or minor scale off the three to the 6. It really depends on how you feel as a musician, but remember less is more because if you do all through out in the talk music runs and licks then it can cause a distrubance in the service.

Offline Mrandrew

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 11:11:53 AM »
I've done the appegios and I sound boring to me. I admire how you all that are gospel musicians (i'm more smooth jazz) just make it sound. This is the style that just have people shaking their head in awe.

I'm going to keep working at it until it just comes more natural.

Offline betnich

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 02:30:56 PM »
If you know Jazz, you know the scales that can be played w/each chord for solos.
(like - C minor w/Cm7, or G Mixolydian or Blues w/G7)
Try mixing them in with your arpeggios...

Offline Mrandrew

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2008, 05:44:39 PM »
For me the easy way is to listen to a lot songs or keyboardist doing this and practice what I hear. I almost have to study it to get the hang of it.

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2008, 09:47:36 AM »
Thanks for posting

Offline DaNatiMaestro

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2008, 10:58:45 AM »
I would agree.. Imitating your favorite keyboardist help.  Really take time to listen to every single move that they do and study and imitate it then flip it and make it your own. 

Many times as part-time musicians we don't have the time to learn every single lick and move because all we really need to play the song are the chord progressions but if you do take the time to really sit down and study the licks and moves of the greats it will really advance your playing.

Music is just like talking and some folks are more advanced then others.. voice leading is a topic in and of itself but even the greats had to learn from someone else.

Stay encouraged and continue to pray.. remember what Ecclesiastes 7:8 says "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride."  Don't worry about if your playing isn't awesome or full right now; remember it's still just the beginning for you; learn to enjoy the journey of playing music.. you're going to be playing for a long time.. continue to practice, pray, listen.. ASK God for it and he will give it to you.. Matt 7:7!!!!

Be blessed!!!

PS. Awesome Video by the way.
It's good to be BACK!!

Offline Mrandrew

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2008, 12:29:17 PM »
Thanks for the words of encouragement. During my journey I have noticed from listening to compositions I have basically imatated a lot of the artist I have listened to, which is why I seem to study the music.

Offline CasperC

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Re: Talk Music (the melody)
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2008, 11:39:53 PM »
This is a good thread.  Check this talk music out.

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