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Author Topic: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory  (Read 8584 times)

Offline T-Block

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"Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« on: May 30, 2009, 04:43:37 AM »
"Your Name" by: Shekinah Glory
Key f/Ab  LH/RH


F / F *bounce this note in both hands

Since this part of the song doesn't really have any chords, here are some suggestions based on the melody played by the horn:

F / F-Ab-C
F / G-Bb-Eb
F / F-A-Db

Part 1:

F / Ab-C-F Great
and mighty is
G / Bb-Eb-G Your
Ab / C-F-Ab or Ab / C-Eb-Ab name,
Bb / Db-F-Bb God,
C / Eb-Ab-C
Db / F-Bb-Db
F / Eb-Ab-C
Bb / Db-F-Bb Hea-
ven and earth pro-
Ab / Db-F-Bb or Ab / C-Eb-Ab claim,
G / C-F-G Go-
Run w/both hands: G, F, E, F, G, E  or  C / Bb-Db-E-G  or  E / Bb-Db-E-G od,

A / C-Eb-Gb-A  or  A / C-F-A

Part 2:

Bb / Db-F-Bb bless
Ab / F-Bb-Db
*/ Eb-Ab-C Your *optional chord
G / Eb-G-Bb name,
F / C-F-Ab
Eb / Bb-Eb-G
Db / C-F-Ab
C / Bb-Eb-G

Bb / Db-F-Bb bless
Ab / F-Bb-Db
*/ Eb-Ab-C Your *optional chord
G / Eb-G-Bb name,
F / C-F-A
G / Db-E-G-Bb
A / Eb-Gb-A-C

Bb / Db-F-Bb bless
Ab / F-Bb-Db
*/ Eb-Ab-C Your *optional chord
Eb / Eb-G-Bb name,
C / Bb-Db-E-G forever  *last time, go to music break from here

F / Ab-C-F more,
G / Bb-Eb-G
Ab / C-F-Ab or Ab / C-Eb-Ab
Bb / Db-F-Bb
Bb / Db
Ab / C
G / Bb or G / Eb-G-Bb
C / Eb
Bb / Db
A / C or A / F-A-C
F / Eb-Gb-A-C  or  F / F-A-C

Music break:

Intro chords 3x, then they modulate to c#/E using these chords:

F / C-F-Ab more-
E / C#-E-G# ore,
A / C#-E-A ore,
D# / C#-D#-G# ore,
G# / B#-D#-G# ore,

"Psalm 27" by: Shekinah Glory
Key c#/E  LH/RH

Part 1:

C# / C#-E-G#
Lift up your heads oh
C# / C#-E-G# ye
C# / C#-E-G# gates,
G# / B-D#-F#

Part 2:

A / C#-E-A and the King
G# / of
F# / C#-E-A Glory shall come
G# / B#-D#-G# in,

G# / G#
F# / F#
E / E
D# / D#

Part 2:

C# / G#-C#-E is the King of glory, the
C# / F#-B-D# Lord strong and mighty, who
C# / A-C#-E is the King of glory, the
G# / F#-G#-B#-D# Lord mighty in  *last time, go on from here
G# / F#-G#-B#-D# ba-
A# / G-A#-C#-E a-
B# / G#-B#-D#-F# ttle,
G# /

G# / G# (2x) mighty,
G# / G# (2x)

Part 3:

He is the
C# / G#-C#-E Lord, He is the
B / G#-C#-E Lord, He is the
A / G#-C#-E Lord, He is the
G# / F#-G#-B#-D# Lord, mighty in battle,  *go to ending from here
E / E
D# / D#


He is the Lord,
Run w/both hands: C#, E, G#, G, C#, B#, G#, C#, C#, C#
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline T-Block

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Re: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2009, 04:44:16 AM »
Chord symbol version:

"Your Name" by: Shekinah Glory
Key f/Ab  RH/LH


F / F *bounce this note in both hands

Since this part of the song doesn't really have any chords, here are some suggestions based on the melody played by the horn:


Part 1:

Fm Great
and mighty is
Eb/G Your
FM/Ab or Ab name,
Bbm God,
Bbm Hea-
ven and earth pro-
Bbm/Ab or Ab claim,
Csus4/G Go-
Run w/both hands: G, F, E, F, G, E  or  C9  or  Edim7 od,

Adim7 or F/A

Part 2:

Bbm bless
*Ab(no bass) Your *optional chord
Eb/G name,

Bbm bless
*Ab(no bass) Your *optional chord
Eb/G name,

Bbm bless
*Ab(no bass) *optional chord
Eb name,
C9 forever  *last time, go to music break from here

Fm more,
Fm/Ab or Ab
Bb / Db
Ab / C
G / Bb or Eb/G
C / Eb
Bb / Db
A / C or F/A
F7(b9) or F

Music break:

Intro chords 3x, then they modulate to c#/E using these chords:

Fm more-
C#m/E ore,
A ore,
G#sus4/D# ore,
G# ore,

"Psalm 27" by: Shekinah Glory
Key c#/E  LH/RH

Part 1:

Lift up your heads oh
C#m ye
C#m gates,

Part 2:

A and the King
G# / of
F#m7 Glory shall come
G# in,

G# / G#
F# / F#
E / E
D# / D#

Part 2:

C#m is the King of glory, the
B/C# Lord strong and mighty, who
A/C# is the King of glory, the
G#7 Lord mighty in  *last time, go on from here
G#7 ba-
A#dim7 a-
G#7/B# ttle,
G# /

G# / G# (2x) mighty,
G# / G# (2x)

Part 3:

He is the
C#m Lord, He is the
C#m/B Lord, He is the
AM7 Lord, He is the
G#7 Lord, mighty in battle,  *go to ending from here
E / E
D# / D#


He is the Lord,
Run w/both hands: C#, E, G#, G, C#, B#, G#, C#, C#, C#
Real musicians play in every key!!!
Music Theory, da numbers work!

Offline karlmhoon

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Re: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2009, 06:38:54 AM »

Offline pressingon3

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Re: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2009, 09:13:44 AM »

Man, thanks so much for ALL of your recent posts. I am looking forward to teaching some of these songs to the church choir and praise team.  You are always willing to assist the LGM family, and guess what.............................. "WE APPRECIATE IT". ;D :)

Offline Val215

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Re: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2009, 12:10:37 PM »
I love these 2 songs :)
Check me out on Facebook at Virtuously Gifted and on Instagram at virtuouslygifted_215

Offline bgdg00

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Re: "Your Name" and "Psalm 27" Shekinah Glory
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2009, 01:59:07 PM »
These are exactly what I needed!!! Thank you so much T-Block!! God bless you man!

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